That's it.
Some things are just not worth it.
So this is me. Stopping.
Best brownie...and some gibberish
We shared this amazing brownie and I have to say, it's absolutely delicious. Look at those chocolate flakes around the plates! It already looks so tempting just in appearance, and the brownie tastes perfect! Not being too sweet 'cos I can't stand that after a few bites. And I'm not normally too much of a chocolatey person, but even I was gushing.
Yum! I'm getting hungry again just looking at these pictures!
I also ordered a cookies and cream shake, which is unbelievably sinful too! Really, the desserts there are fanfuckingtastic...
I'm flying off on Friday morning, and a part of me is glad that I'll be leaving him. Maybe it's better to just leave all that behind. Whatever will happen, well, let me just worry about that a month from now.
...the sight which I have associated with him.
Ah man, what happens to ZEN?! It's getting late, it must have gotten me sentimentil.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to write a bit more. I won't be bringing my laptop to the States so this blog might be deserted for a while, but I'll try to still write, anyway. Or maybe I should do one of those blackout thing [like that group in Facebook where people agree to not use facebook in one day together], yeah, and be like, internet-free for the whole month, getting away from the earthly desires and influences and all that. Ha!
Days Away
"Fuck it, you'll be fine. I dunno, I'm in one of those 'nothing matters' moods, so yeah, maybe I shouldn't be talking all existentialist and shit."
He continued, "The universe is interconnected, reality is an illusion. Our concepts of ego are just perversions upon the simple void mind."
Who the hell am I talking to? Dalai Lama?
But no, really. We have spent some good hours talking about this book I'm currently reading, A Prayer for Owen Meany, and it's good in a religious-philosophical kinda way. It's definitely something I don't normally read, but it's proven to be quite a good change.
[Thanks for the recommendation!]
If only I could have that zen attitude throughout, I foresee I'll be a much happier person. In reality, though, whenever something bad happens, I would be the first to react just because I get too affected. And that's not a good thing.
"I'm listening to japanese flute music, so intense! Doing this whole non-drinking thing, drinking tea instead. I'm reading these books on medication and focus."
Man, give me back my bimbotic buddy. Just hope this new transformation, all this yin-yang and zen will rub some on me. Granted, I'll need that.
But! I shall leave all that behind for now, and I'm determined to have a mondofabulous trip! [even if mondofabulous is not a real word according to some].
Last night I made a little visit to the east part of the town in search for some good
So I've been picking up my winter jacket and sweaters from the dry cleaning, and they are huge! My luggage looks kinda scary too in size. I haven't been packing much at all, well, but hey, it's me we're talking about here. You should freak if I have started packing.