After some 24 hours flight, including transit, we finally made it to Oklahoma City.
First transit: Seoul, Korea.

Second stop: San Fransisco.
We didn't take pictures there, unfortunately. It was awful 'cos we had to wait for at least 3 hours before our domestic flight.
Next one: Phoenix, Arizona.

Our last and final ride to Oklahoma City.
We got there a little after midnight, and we were welcomed by the cold harsh winter! Bonnie was wearing her black furry jacket, so I made a point of staying close to her, burying my hands in the fur every once in a while, with the rest of the time checking and making sure I still had my hands to begin with! Taxi ride was flawless, and we checked in to Marriott Residence, our home for the next two-and-a-half-weeks. It was cosy, to say the least, we had our own kitchen, living room, a flat television screen, a couch bed and a queen size bed, pretty sweet for our taste.
We arrived there a day earlier, so we had the whole day to explore the city, or rather, just around the neighbourhood. At that time, our survival skills were still amateurish, and the only place we could think of visiting was Wallmart. Pardon us, we do not have Wallmart in Singapore and we have heard lots of nice stories about how cheap and fulfilling it was. Sufficed to say, we were dissapointed, who were these people?! Fulfilling? Have you ever had my shoes shoved into your mouth? Kidding. It wasn't that bad, we were bored after like, 15 minutes of walking around. We spent the next thirty minutes buying phone card, and it was such a freaking hassle. Do you know that you have to buy a mobile phone along with the sim card?! And do you know that you have to call another number to activate that new number?!
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated!
After hassling the not-so-helpful sales assistant there, we got the new phone and number. We chose the cheapest phone, naturally, and it was this ancient Nokia. So ancient that I felt transported back in time. But at least we had a way to communicate. Oh, have I mentioned that Bonnie and Farah both brought along their impressive PDA and iPhone? So they were surfing net 24/7, even in their sleep! I felt like a paleolithicus around them with my old-age Nokia. Holy cow.
The days following seemed like a breeze because the school has started and we had our days full from Monday to Sunday with activities. The school was sweet, it was like experiencing a whole new college environment, and of course it was sweeter because I did it with all of my friends.
There are so many things to write, but for now, check out the pictures around the OCU campus! (will be up soon!) Some of the pics were taken when the day got so foggy that it almost looked like it was snowing. It wasn't on that particular day, but it did snow when I was there, although I couldn't get a good picture of it. At one point, it was even hailing. Ice-storm! Intense!
I'm not a photographer for a reason, though.
Update: The pics of the campus are up! Check out here!