Today Crazy Jay and I went over to the Village View nursing home to pay a visit to Biker Bill who is there for the next 6 weeks, laid up with a broken hip. When we got there it was kind of a nice surprise to see that Bill was in the TV room watching a film that one of the aides there had directed. Turns out the film was great-it was Popaganda-The Art and Crimes of Ron English. I freaking LOVE Ron English! The anti-corporate pop artist who was often arrested for taking over billboards around the city and sticking his own art and messages up there(shown in the two top pics)..The director/producer Pedro Carvajal works at the Village Nursing home..I told him his film was pretty darn good..Though the half a dozen residents we were watching it with in the TV room all fell asleep in their wheelchairs towards the end..And one lady kept speaking to me in Italian about how she didn't want to eat the grilled cheese sandwich that they had brought her..The sandwich actually looked pretty good to me. Would it have been so wrong if I had eaten it?? Well, would it?
Anyway I got some pics of Biker Bill who was in good spirits and may be rolling around town in his wheelchair sometime tomorrow for a bit..I kind of wish I had taken a photo of that grilled cheese sandwich..mmmmm...I think this diet I am on is starting to make me a little crazy..Normally I would NEVER think about stealing an old lady's sandwich..Oh, alright...I guess maybe I would. Stop judging me!