My Stalk-A-Thon.

I spent some of today stalking the set of the movie Bored To Death starring Jason Schwartzman(who I love) and Ted Danson. It's not like I stalk celebrities all the time, but they WERE filming at Odessas..Well, I did kind of stalk Woody Allen and Larry David last summer..and sometimes I stalk David Cross in the dog run...and sometimes..well..never you mind. Anyway, I took a few lousy photos of kraft services, and got one blurry pic of the star jason S. in the tan coat in the bottom pic. I could have gotten better photos if I was more aggressive, but I just can't bring myself to get in someone's face with a camera while they're just standing around. I could've sworn Jason gave me the once over, but it was probably because I was dressed up in a green polyester Marcia Brady looking dress. Plus, I was snapping photos of him. Later on, Ted Danson zoomed by me on a bike in was weird.

Where did the counter intelligence go when Odessas was closed to the public? Who knows? I saw a few of them wandering around looking lost and dejected....