Sometimes I just get really tired of all the attention the human body requires..You don't shower for one day and your armpits stink...people's feet smell, their breath smells, all their cavities need constant attention. Deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper, floss, razors or getting waxed..so much money and time spent on keeping all of our human grossness at bay..I have just grown weary of puking and voiding urine and shitting. And what about the wax build-up in my ears that could be happening as I type this? Or the hairs that could be growing right this minute on various parts of my body? Can't they just leave me be? Is death the only option? Wait-but doesn't hair continue to grow even after we die for a while? I just don't know...If there is a god would he/she have created Anal Fissures?
Anyway, I'm going to go play outside..Have a nice day!