Taking advantage of a break in the wet weather, we had an impressive group of riders assemble at the Hussey Elementary School parking lot on Quimby Street in Augusta at 8 AM last Saturday. After the usual pre-ride routine of unloading bikes, attaching wheels, adjusting quick releases, pumping tires, distributing maps, etc., the first question on everyone's mind was: "Where's breakfast?" The answer was: "A couple of blocks up the street, about 27 miles away." A rather roundabout approach, and just about perfect.

First, we had to ride. Connie had laid out a fine route exploring the back roads of Augusta and Windsor, all the more impressive because she had had to re-route part of the tour to avoid a conflict with a major event on the Kennebec River Rail Trail. The route took us north along the Kennebec for a stretch, and then back down to Rt.3 West. Traffic picked up a bit on Rt.3, but the shoulders were wide and debris-free, and the run along the highway passed quickly. Soon we were back on lightly traveled roads through West Windsor and Chelsea.

We rode as a group for the most part, and there were frequent stops to regroup and let stragglers catch up. A good portion of the route was remarkably flat and thickly wooded - and quite pretty, considering the odd absence of ponds and lakes enroute. We are fortunate indeed, to be able to ride out of our capital city and find ourselves out in the country in a distance that barely registers on our cyclometers.

As we approached the Augusta city limits on our return, we began to pick up some more traffic and signs of urban infrastructure. Undaunted, we pressed on, for breakfast was awaiting. Soon we were relaxing on Connie's porch, dining on muffins and juice, fruit salad and eggs - a capital breakfast indeed! Kudos to Connie for a fine breakfast ride and a great route.
Join us next week, if you can, for a Fourth of July ride in Sidney. Have a happy Fourth!