I had a mellow Friday night..have a bunch of stuff to do pertaining to apartment repairs and our new CD Drunken Barrel House Blues which hopefully will be ready in 2 or 3 weeks..Crumbs book of Genesis will be out next week so want to have our Cd out soon after that..We got a copy of Genesis in the mail yesterday and it is pretty impressive!
That weird balloon thing was in Tompkins today..They spent hours setting it up..this balloon with two computers hooked up..I think the idea was people were supposed to email them or text what NYC means to them..and they would project these texts and emails from the balloon onto the ground. The balloon didn't get very high up into the sky..and I knew if I didn't leave I would start texting offensive things to their balloon project..like "Your balloon needs to be all fro-yo'd up, bitches!" or "Let's all have a fucking crack binge tonight NYC!"..so I just wandered off. It didn't seem very exciting anyway.
Then I and a few friends stopped into the garden at 6th and B where they were playing Bingo for prizes..It was very peaceful in there and there were some fun prizes..I kinda wanted to stay and play Bingo and win that Casio keyboard, but John and I had plans to try and tile our bathroom floor and spackle some cracks in our apartment, etc..As you can see by the last pic, we did just a helluva job and I added in some interesting buttons and stuff that I had laying around when we ran out of tiles..You know you want to hire us to tile YOUR floor now!