Hot Dog Ride

We had great weather - sunny and cool - for our Labor Day ride, exploring hills, ponds, and eskers. We had a great group of riders who stuck it out through the whole ride and some even stayed for lunch at the cafe in Mount Vernon at the ride's end. At this writing we still do not have a breakfast ride scheduled for this Friday, but on Saturday Ken is leading us on a ride exploring the other side of Mount Vernon, followed by a hot dog roast afterwards. We have openings in the KVBC ride calendar for leaders in September and October. If you can lead a ride, contact Jim at Fall is coming - more great riding ahead!

Saturday, September 12th - WING'S MILLS (Mount Vernon)
"Hot Dog! - The Hot Dog Ride" (not because we'll ride like one but because we will want one) - a tour through Mount Vernon, Belgrade, North Augusta, and Manchester
START: 9:00 AM at Marble Point Rd., Mount Vernon
Directions to Start:
From Augusta, take #27 North to Belgrade and turn left onto #135 (Christy's store and blinking light). Go 3 miles and right onto Wings Mill Rd; go 2.5 miles and right onto Marble Point Rd. which is just after crossing Belgrade Stream; it is a hard pack dirt road)

From Mount Vernon, Readfield: Take North Rd to Wings Mills Rd and go about 3 miles to Marble Point Rd; just after passing Bartlett Rd on the right, turn left onto Marble Point, DeLorme Maine Atlas Map 12; A-4. Just west and across the stream from the intersection of Dunn Rd and Wings Mill Rd. (Marble Point is not listed by name on the map).

DISTANCE: 29 miles
TERRAIN: Moderate with some hills
HIGHLIGHTS: Views of Belgrade Stream, Hamilton Pond, Stuart Pond, Messalonskee Lake, Doctor Pond, Silver Lake, Gould Pond, with a Hot Dog cookout lunch following the ride, with swimming available also.
LEADER: Ken Louis.