Jeez, lots of deaths lately..in the animal world a wonderful dog named Jambalaya died a few weeks ago..plus an awesome, very old cat named Diamond from Csquat who I loved has passed on to the feline pearly gates..not to mention Patrick Swayze and Jim Carroll. Is it true there is a website where people bet on which celebrity will croak next? I dunno..this seems vaguely illegal and creepy. I watched the VMA's and enjoyed seeing Kanye make an ass of himself yet again..The only reason to watch these award shows that are live is to see what Kanye will do to get kicked out.
Well, these pics are not too exciting..been somewhat busy lately with stuff..nothing in particular. Just Stuff! I like this page from an Archie Comic(TM dammit!) where they are pretending to play ragtime music..Then I had to get a pic of Karl wearing a suit as he works as an usher at Lorcan Otway's Theater 80. I have just never seen Karl in a suit! He was happy I had my camera on me to commemorate this.
Then there's some interesting graffiti from the woman's bathroom in Tompkins Square Park..Not sure what it said to begin with as its all crossed out and changed now. I'll have to update on that stall and see what transpires! And no, I don't sit on the seats in there-I HOVER. I could tell a story about several old toilets from Tompkins ending up in my old room at Csquat after the park upgraded their toilets..but its just too disturbing to get into..sob! I am still scarred from that experience.
Then my friend Jay noticed this weird assortment of items in front of Odessa's on Avenue A. A bag with a kangaroo on it, with a paint stirrer in it and a banana peel next to it. Somehow, I believe it is connected with the graffiti in the bathroom but I have to think on it for a bit. Not sure what's on for the weekend..There is some kind of block party on St. Marks this month but I'm not sure when exactly..