Happy Halloween all!
Falling Leaves in Manchester

Hey Folks - Don't put that bike away yet. It's time to take advantage of the Fall scenery with a KVBC ride through the old farmlands just west of Augusta. Hope you can make it, 'cause we won't have too many more opportunities like this before the winter sets in. Special Note: remember to set your clocks back an hour - the ride starts at 10:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time.
Sunday, November 1st - MANCHESTER
More self promotion!

Alright, I seem to be writing all about my band a lot because we got a lot of press because of our gig with Crumb last weekend..But East River String band is mentioned in the damn Wall Street Journal today! The article is about his Genesis Book Tour and our gig with him on Saturday-note..only two songs we did were actually 12 bar blues though!
Must go out and buy the WSJ now!!
Wall Street Journal Article
I have my regrets when it comes to a lot of things. I'd like to think that I could learn from those mistakes, and I'm a better person because of it. Who knows, really, though? Maybe I'd turn out okay too without ever making mistakes, and thus, the things you have sacrificed seem to just die in vain, because the changes aren't even in monumental proportion or anything anyway. Is the sacrifice worth it? The guilt and the hard times you've gone through to, supposedly, come to this point and learn your lessons from these experiences?
I don't know. I'm having a bittersweet feelings today because it's your birthday.
Yeah, so I might have realized that I'm actually a lot stronger than I thought. Maybe I've grown to be more mature, and wise. Maybe I've thought more about my actions before actually doing them. Maybe I'm more cautious, reserved and careful. And as good as these things may be, it's not a fair comparison to everything we've been through until this point.
It's not fair. What's wrong with thinking I'm not that strong, anyway? I can live with that, can't I?
It's not easy, and it's still a struggle. So many things, memories, dates, occasions, places and time remind me of you. And I can't help feeling that I've failed somehow.
If there's only a way for me to know that you're doing good now, that maybe this is for the best, then maybe I can be content and forgive myself. But it's simply not possible. People say we just gotta have faith. But when it comes to you, I don't know I can still believe that.
You know what we would have done today, just like every other birthdays we had in the past? Drove up to this one place we always went to, and had fancy dinner as a family. I miss that.
The things I might have learned after you're gone? What are they even for?
Stephen Talkhouse gig and basement 78's
Welp, here a a zillion, yes exactly ONE ZILLIOn pics from our trip to Amagansett NY to play..We stayed at Joe Lauro's house with his awesome wife Karen, Robert Crumb, Dom Flemons, and Sherwin Dunner.. It was a fun, mellow weekend and the gig was packed and just awesome! What a fun time..I love signing my autograph on the cd's and though Robert doesn't care to sign autographs that much I think, he did sign some a lot stuff for his fans before heading upstairs to the private dressing room they had..
Here are some pics of me in the basement 78 room full of stuff!..Sherwin and I, Dom looking through the stacks, John and Robert and Dom all intently focused on the shellac..
I love the fact that Robert used my hologram skull pick to play the mandolin..man, he is great on that instrument! Then there are some from The Stephen Talkhouse gig..John and Bob, Bob and Joe Lauro on the stand-up bass, Dom wowing the crowd, Robert having fun..
Oh, and I had to get me and Karen and their huge adorable poodle! And that genesis book with all its begats..I plan to read it this week..what a lot of work Bob put into that project..
We have Robert showing me some 78's, and a signed poster from all of us..John, Bob, Dom, and I..whee! And Dom had a vinyl copy of Louie Bluie, a great film that Terry Zwigoff did that will soon be re-released hopefully..I have a backpatch of the artwork Robert did for it on my glitter hoodie..Yes, I'm a big nerd!
Anyway, had such a wonderful time..The crowd was stomping and singing along with us..we sounded good i think..and only a few people were shouting out "BIg Butts Rule!" and "Fucking Mr. Natural!" towards the end of the night..and i'm excited because my favorite day is coming up soon..Halloween!
Happy Pact and Quotes
So my otherwise unwise friend turned very wise on me this morning. She pasted me a series of quotes to further elaborate her point that I should, well, just be happy! It's in Indonesian though, so the gist are these.
♥ We were born with two eyes in front, because we're supposed to look ahead, not at what was in the past.
♥ We were born with two ears, one on the left and the other on the right, so we could hear from both sides, from both perspectives. To hear both compliments and criticism, and listen to what's right, and what's wrong.
♥ We were born with a brain, that is hidden in our head, so that no matter how poor we are, we are still rich. Noone could steal what's inside our brain. And that's a lot more precious than any kinds of diamonds.
♥ We were born with two eyes, two ears, but only one mouth. Because mouth is a weapon which could hurt, and even kill. It's better to do less talking, but more seeing and listening.
♥ We were born with one heart, that always reminds us. To appreciate and love sincerely. Learn to love and appreciate being loved, but don't expect anyone to love us in the same way we love them.
♥ Give love without hoping anything in return, and you'll find that life is actually a lot more beautiful.
I was so inspired that I almost felt like a fool for even thinking about such trivial thing as someone. Truth is, why bother worrying about it all? Don't we all our entire adulthood to worry about such things? I'd like to think I'm still a kid. =p Okay, young. *smiley!*

Hi, Books
Again, I'm late in posting, I know, blah blah. I was just back from Jakarta last night with my sister, and what a great weekend it has been! We made it there especially to 'rescue' our beloved books, 'cos well, okay, if you've been to my house back in Jakarta, you'd know we have an entire room for library where we keep all of our books, comics, magazines, encyclopedias and everything readable ever since we were, 2 years old. Surely right around that.
So, you could probably imagine how massive the amounts are. Yeah, 'cos we're proud nerds, that's why. Most of our books are in top-notch condition, because aside from yeah, we're nerds that way, we're very protective of our books especially. We treat them with such gentleness and affection like they're real people. And we didn't manage to bring them all the way here to Singapore when we first moved because there wasn't enough space here. Besides, we would still be able to read them every time we go back.
But now, well, we're planning to sell our old house. Planning being the emphasized word as it will take a long time to really make it happen, I think. The house holds a very sentimental value to us, and there are still so many things there we have to sort through and it has yet to happen since we're away. But either way, since we definitely wanna keep our books anyway, it's better to slowly bring them here to our apartment in Singapore. And boy, don't we have tons of 'em!
I was shocked to find our luggage which we have filled with our best books and comics weighed 40 kg at the airport! And it was just our first choice. Afraid it might have been too much, we sorted our books into the first and second priority and decided to just bring the second priority books at a later time when we go home next! I really didn't think we carried that much, but apparently books are heavy, geez.
Yeah, but that said, we still do have more books back home we'd hope to bring next time around. Although now, I'm pretty darn happy and giddy already with getting my hands on these books again. Nerd alert!

I can't believe it's all..BACON! Plus, Stephen Talkhouse!
John and I went to see the Coen Brothers new film A Simple Man the other night..It wasn't my favorite by them, but it was still good like all their stuff is..plus I'm a Jew so I could really appreciate the humor in it..On the way to the film, we stopped into a deli to get snacks for the movie..We always sneak stuff in because not only are the movie snacks insanely overpriced-yeah, i'm paying $8.00 for a bottle of water!-but the food there is the most nasty, unhealthy shit on the face of the earth..Anycrap, the guys in the deli were frying up the most insane amount of bacon I have ever seen. I had to get a pic of it!
Well, tomorrow I leave for Amagansett to play our gig with Crumb, Dom Flemons, and Joe Lauro at the Stephen Talkhouse...should be a swingin' time..I hope people come, considering how far it is..After the NY Post blurb and the fact that Crumb is in town right now promoting his book-I think there's a good chance it'll be packed there..Robert doesn't play music out much anymore since the days of The Cheap Suit Serenaders..He's a great musician and I think people are eager to hear him do his thing..I'll be taking my camera to commemorate the shindig..
Have a swell weekend everyone!

Maybe it's all in my head.
I don't understand how you could just treat me like I actually matter to you in one day, and completely change the next day? Don't you see how vulnerable I've made myself when it comes to you?
Maybe you never did say the words, but nothing is always concrete. Read between the lines. If that's the case, then perhaps I simply think too much, and you can blame me for being a fool.
Am I? I suppose I am. After our gives-and-takes, the numerous times I was certain I mustn't be imagining things because you can't possibly be this sweet to everyone, and the way you seemed to understand me effortlessly, am I really this naive?
So maybe this is all in my head? Yeah, I don't regret it. But if there's one thing I can say, I guess I have to admit how foolish I've been to trust you this much, to give away so much with so little received.
I don't blame you, though. I wish I can be mad at you, but honestly, I can't. Everyone's different, right? I thought what we had was rather special, I thought you didn't share your dreams and passions to anyone else, and I guess I will never know.
Aside from feeling like a complete moron, I...I don't really know what else to do.
East River String Band makes Page 6 of the NY Post today!

So fucking funny! Our gig with Robert Crumb this Saturday the 24th is in the Page 6 section of the NY Post today!
All my celebrity dreams are coming true at long last..Can't wait to stumble out of a limo with no underwear on so the paparrazi can catch it on film..Then i'll go to Mars Bar for my photo spread..Har! Anyway, I'm excited about the publicity..Gotta go out soon and buy 10 copies and make my mama proud..
Page 6 of the NYPost
Anthology Films, Artcars, and Stanley Bard.
Wow, Here's a lot of pics! Sorry my last post was so gross..Did I bring blogging to a new low..or was it so CRAPTASTIC it BLEW YOUR MIND!? Anyway, today after practicing for a while(yes, I need to promote my upcoming gig with R. Crumb and Dom Flemons this weekend!), and exercising I went to Anthology Film Archives to buy a ticket to see Stanley Bard, a documentary by Sam Bassett about the owner/manager of the famous Chelsea Hotel. I love the Chelsea, if I ever moved out of the LES, it would only be if I could live in the south of France or at the Chelsea Hotel. Either will do.
But they were also screening a film about artcars..cars all gussied up crazy-like at Anthology..There were several parked along 2nd st and I just had to get pics! We see the cube car, the scary big-brotherish Camera Van, and the crazy metal van. That metal van must have weighed a ton! And my pics really don't do it justice..
There was a car with old records and instruments all over it, and a telephone car! That was awesome..and also a caravan of sorts with eyes painted on the back and stuffed animals dangling from the inside of it. it looked really cozy and plush inside.
And I like the toy car which had plastic toys cemented all over it..It would be a trip to see these cars all road tripping together across the country. The owners appeared just as strange as the cars themselves..I wanted to see the film about these artcars but couldn't stay..I did come back at 7 to see Stanley Bard. I really had no idea just how many very famous people lived at the Chelsea Hotel. Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Arthur Miller, Janis Joplin, jeez! The filmmaker Sam lives on the roof apparently..he has some great photos at his website. I've never been inside the Chelsea but Robert Crumb took John in once and showed him around..Damn, that place has some history. Stanley Bard doesn't run the place anymore, but he seems like a really nice, decent man. Sam Bassett had also made a film about a character from Ray's and the LES named Cowboy Stan whom I know. Stan showed up at this film thinking it was the film about him..We sat together and I guess Cowboy Stan liked the movie, but did seem sad it wasn't the film about him..
Sam sent me a few of his films for free once, so I gave him my bands CD and some neat Crumb stickers I had made up for our upcoming release..Sam was very nice, and very quiet. Clayton Patterson was there too, taking photos and making the rounds..It was an interesting night. The last two very lame, way too dark pics are of Sam and Bard doing a Q and A after the screening.
I wonder how long those cars will be parked on 2nd street? I REALLY want the phone car to drive me by the Pee Phone and drop me off. It's only right.
A little something for the mellow souls
So yeah, we're going down
They've got all the right moves in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
Just paint the picture of a perfect place
They've got it better than what anyone's told you
They'll be the King of Hearts, and you're the Queen of Spades
And we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers
I know we've got it good
But they've got it made
And the grass is getting greener each day
I know things are looking up
But soon they'll take us down
before anybody's knowing our name.
They've got all the right senses in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got all the right moves in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
Do you think I'm special?
Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear
And the sound you like
Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?
It can be possible that rain can fall,
Only when it's over our heads
The sun is shining everyday, but it's far away
All the world is dead.
They've got,
They've got all the right senses in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got all the right moves and in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going
Yeah, we're going down
It doesn't matter what you see.
I know I could never be
Someone that looks like you.
It doesn't matter what you say
I know I could never face
Someone that could sound like you.
All the right senses in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got all the right moves in all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
The Unbearable Lightness of Pooping.
Well, last night our new upstairs neighbor took a shower and basically this caused our bathroom ceiling to cave in! Well, this has been coming for a while..but I slept like 3 hours all night in between emptying buckets of water to catch the leaks trickling down..But whatever..it sucks out anyway so i am watching movies and reading all day while the wonderful men from Matel demo our bathroom and put up new sheetrock. It had to get done at any rate. We only had some of my pink paint in the house in which to paint the newly sheet rocked ceiling with..The guy seemed hesitant, but I assured him that John LOVES pink and it would be cool with him..heehee..Ah well, I like watching people do construction as long as I don't have to do it. Sheet rocking a ceiling SUCKS, with a capital UCKS.
So here's some gross pics of the Pee Phone I took last night as I walked by Ray's..Someone made a big, steaming caca in there and lucky me! I got to immortalize this glorious dump. That, and the fact that my cat Harlequinn crapped on my bed last night just fills me with joy. There were some napkins laying around the phone too, so at least they may have wiped. One can only hope..nothing worse than skidmarks in your undies, right? Right? Right?...I think I am delerious..Whee!
oh, and if you get really sick this winter, be sure to run to KMART for your flu vaccine! They throw in some government cheese if you are first on line. Blue Light Special on vaccines! One day only!!! You are practically LOSING money by not going there! Maybe Martha Stewart herself will stick a needle in you!