A member of Springdale Chamber of Commerce's
Board of Directors hand-delivered a letter to citizen watchdog Anita Davis back in late October regarding the
letter written by Ervin & Company which included recommendations for improving the Chamber's accounting practices.
Chairperson Blake Hanby signed the letter and stated an investigation was conducted and he was pleased and proud to announce no misconduct or wrongdoing on the part of the Chamber or its staff.
The letter also accuses Ms. Davis of not submitting the revenue portion of their shoddy bookkeeping to the CPA for inspection and goes so far as to reprimand Davis for questioning the integrity of the hardworking men and women of Springdale's business community.
In an effort to either clear the air or defend herself,
Ms. Davis responded to Hanby insisting all documentation was provided to Ervin & Company including revenue. She also made her opinion quite clear that she feels the Springdale Chamber of Commerce is completely ineffective when it comes to economic development.