Alrighty then..Holy Crap it's cold outside! Why does winter have to be cold? I call bullshit! I did get a fake Snuggie™ for the holidays..Sam the Snuggie-he's awesome!..Anyways, We have here a bit of Graffiti above the Mars Bar toilets warning people of possible dangers that may be lurking in there..We have some weird geisha girl mural where the guy has TWO, not just ONE lady to pleasure him..This mural is not at Mars though..Didn't Obama promise this to everyone if he got elected? Where's my two girls? I want to play travel scrabble with them!
Then, I have been enjoying the Open Mic at The Bowery Poetry Club monday nights..Performers range from singer/songwriter type stuff, to stand-up comedy, to well..uh..kinda crazy people who just get up on stage and use their 6 minutes to kinda go nuts. Here, I recorded(rather dark and blurry though) my favorite..I forget his name but every monday sometime between 10pm-midnight he dances around to some cheesy song. I think I love him. Come check out the open mic at Bowery Poetry..only 3 bucks to get in and it's really fun and funny..Rob Shapiro and Touching You are regulars if that's an incentive to come..both are pretty funny.
Here's a link to Bowery Poetry Club
And they even have a live streaming camera so you can check it out at home on your computer if you are one of those people who hasn't gone outside in like 10 years..
The camera goes on when the show begins and the open mic starts at ten..and before the Open Mic is Drag Bingo. What more can you ask for?