Well, now that we got that sorted out...Sorry for the absence, been kinda preoccupied with work and Dad being here. Not complaining! In fact, it's been a great week so far, with the long weekend and all. We definitely had a nice family time for the past two weeks or so.
On a short trip to Malaysia with Dad last week. See? I'm here with my geeky glory.
As far as work goes, I'm still enjoying it, so it's all good. I'm happy. Tiring, yes, I have no more life. But well, can't complain yet.
(Being happy doesn't really make interesting blog entry, does it?) Oh shucks.
Anyway, I can write more on this later, I promise. Right now everyone's in my room, busily helping my little sister with her school project and I can't focus on writing with so much noise. I probably can't even do simple math equation (adding, subtracting, etc) with this kinda noise, that's how bad I am at multi-tasking. Just so you know.
Okay, I'm starting to write off topic here. I better end this immediately. After these pictures!
We went dancing last weekend and it was awesome!
Have a good week, folks! Will write soon :)