Last night around midnight Ray had a small party thrown for him by his friends..There was a stripper who stripped down to an apron and tassles, a weird clown who didn't really do much of anything, and dozens of people there to wish Ray a happy 77th birthday. The stripper spanked him with a rag 15 times..and we all sang happy birthday to him. He had a cake bought for him and when he blew out the candles, his wish was to stay open and working until he hit 80-three years from now. He has said that to me several times-he doesn't want much-just to stay open until he reaches the age of 80. I hope it happens..
The night was fun-The store was decorated with balloons and glitter....I had gone to a comedy show-a benefit for Haiti so I could only fit so many pics on my damn camera..I'll post some from that show later. It was awesome-Lewis Black headlined..I hung with Janeane Garofalo who gave me a beaded hemp bracelet for some reason..