Well, the paypal is collecting some dough for Ray..I just hope it amounts to something that will help him stay open for a while..There is a facebook group Save Ray's that you can join and get emails about the situation if you're on facebook.
Here are some pics from Bowery Poetry Club..The first is Amy Stiller, sister of Ben and daughter of Jerry Stiller..She did some stand-up at the open mic..
Then on Skits-N-Tits night Jim Gaffagin was there who is in one of my favorite Flight of the Conchords episodes ever..He was really funny..There were some boobies kinda bouncing around at the show but also a lot of funny sketches and skits..
At the end Danielle, Lady of Perpetual PMS hosted some blood wrestling..I was too far away from the stage to get pics of the GLOB-The Gorgeous Ladies of Blood Wrestling..but I got the men going at it pretty hard..The muscle bound fellow with the tiny Speedo won I believe..leaving the mexican wrestler laying in the bloodbath. I think I got my photo taken with speedo guy... I'm a winner.
On a sad note-comedian/poet/singer and all around nutter Bingo Gazingo has died..google him or listen to his stuff on itunes. He was quite the character!
On another sad note-The Bowery Poetry Club is having a benefit for the people of Haiti this saturday which is awesome because that shit is horrible...those people need help and fast! No food, no water, no aid getting to them, thousands dead..holy shit. Come out to the benefit and give what you can..