Well, there is snow on the ground but I always get a little happier when it is March..It's gonna be in the mid-40's all week which isn't bad and March IS a spring month..Of course, realistically, I realize that it could be still freezing and even snowing in April..but I always feel better when winter is ending. I'm such a summer person-my goal is to one winter leave town and miss out on the fucking cold weather..I seem to travel only in the summer lately-and I like NYC in the summer. It's December, January, and February I can do without..
Anyway, I'm going to try to blog more in honor of spring..just not too much going on lately..The first pic is a flyer up at Ray's..It's for the benefit for him on March 8th at Theatre for the New City..My band is playing it, along with Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, and a bunch of others..I'll post more about it before next week.
Then there's an awesome hobo having a ball in the window display at the store Obscura. That store has some really great vintage stuff in it-though I can't afford any of it right now. I love that hobo though.
Then I worked all weekend at Gimme Gimme records..it's a fun job. i get paid well to listen to records all day and talk about music. Here's a pic of me working really hard. I'm swell. Last night a hassidic jew dressed like a scary clown ran in and gave me a basket of treats in honor of Purim.
Then I got some pics of Biker Bill at Ray's..holding the new delivery menu and showing off his shirt that says "Harbinger of Doom." It felt like spring at Ray's last night..a lot of the regulars were there.