My friend always laughs at me whenever I say, "what's the crack?" He thinks I sound like a drug-dealer. Or a black person. The latter, I don't really mind since the only phrase I could come up with to get that effect is 'yoooooo' and that couldn't be more unnatural coming from a 5'2 Asian girl.
Fact #1. I just had myself measured up and my official height is 5'6 with heels on. So yeah, I'm short.
Fact #2. I came to a bank last Friday to open a new account and after a few minutes chatting up with the bank officer, he point-blanked asked my age. When I said 23, he looked surprised and replied, "Oh really? When you first came in, I thought you were just 18.."
Anyway, you may think it is a good thing that I look younger than my age. I guess some people may say it's a compliment. But I don't like it. Enough said.
Oh wow! I've been working all weekend, and it's nice to have a day off today. Aside from work, there's not much things to tell. I'm very excited of this new freelancing opportunity, though. I'll fill you in on that later when everything is confirmed, alright? But yeah, I'm very excited!
As for my real work. Bleh. It has its ups and downs. One thing to be happy about though, I finally got my visa, and to say that I'm super relieved is an understatement. Woooo, I can't wait to start planning and rearranging my life now. I'm psyched about the future!
Okay, I'm gonna stop with the mushiness. This must be the result from reading too many motivational books. Not that I'm complaining! Anyway, pictures time!

With my favorite colleagues! (Actually, everyone in my office is super, super nice!)

Homey steamboat dinner.

Dinner with babe at Timbre. :)
True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable. ♥

Sneaking a picture while working at Suntec last weekend.

And another one ;)
Sorry I've been a bleh about this blog lately! Ugh, I wish I'm more of a multi-tasker! But anyway, hope you all have a nice day. I'm gonna grab some lunch and enjoy my day off as much as humanly possible!