Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day! Hotdiggity Damn!

First here's a pic of Ray's wall of press..he proudly hangs up every mention and every article about him that's been in various papers lately-he's had a lot of coverage and he's really happy about it..

Then a few days ago Ben and Jerry's were giving away free cones! I'm sure the workers there were just THRILLED by the huge line that wrapped around the block all day..I hope they got some tips at least that day..what a mob. I was at a rainbow gathering in Vermont once and they showed up and gave everyone free ice cream which was surreal..especially for the hippies all hepped up on goofball acids..I was living in SF when they opened on Haight Street and had 25 cent cone day..I admit-i ate like ten cones..Hey-I was living on the beach and it was 25 cents! 1% for PEACE, bitches!

Well not much else going on..I have a gig next week at Banjo Jim's with Tommy Ramone's bluegrass band Uncle Monk which should be fun..Did a little more extra work this week..They should really use me in that East Fifth Bliss thing that's filming soon..I've lived here for ages and even live right near the building it takes place in though its under construction now..