We had a splendid tour of Litchfield last Saturday - great roads, fine weather, beautiful scenery, and a happy group of ten riders. Many Thanks to George for leading the ride and marking the route, and to Chris for the wonderful cookie stop. We have a fine stretch of weather forecast ahead and Denise has planned a new ride for this Saturday starting in East Winthrop. If you are going to be around for the long weekend, come on out! Otherwise have a great holiday weekend, and we'll see you in June (Vassalboro ride on Saturday the 5th).
Saturday, May 29th - EAST WINTHROP
"The Big Lakes Tour" - a ride along the shorelines of Lakes Maranacook, Annabessacook, and Cobbosseecontee.
START: 9:30 AM at the parking lot of Tom's Bike Boutique, 2208 Rt.202 in East Winthrop, across from D.R Struck's Nursery.
DISTANCE: 25-30 miles.
TERRAIN: moderate with some hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: Some nice lakeside runs along backroads in Winthrop, Monmouth, and Manchester.
LEADER: Denise Crowell.