Chamber of Horrors

A membership in the Springdale Chamber of Commerce automatically gives you membership in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - whether you want it or not.
Editorials and columns noting that the US Chamber is damaging its reputation and credibility include BusinessWeek, PRWeek, Fortune Magazine's Marc Gunther, Newsweek , LA Times, and the Washington Post.

While many large companies and local chambers are distancing themselves - as far away as possible from the US Chamber and their lobbying antics, Springdale is still endorsing them and sending them your money.

The US Chamber is fast becoming known as the current political mafia with their biggest area of influence being state and federal elections. They vastly outspent every other lobbying group in 2009 with a budget surpassing the spending of BOTH the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee.

How long will it take for Springdale businesses and the local chamber to catch on that the US Chamber is driving down the wages of the customers that patronize the businesses of their members?