It's very summery outside so there's starting to be more hijinks going down about town. I think a dance parade is in Tompkins this weekend..a show is coming up soon there..a lot more weirdos in the park, etc. A new Icy stand has opened up next to the bodega on Avenue A between 6th and 7th street..I call the bodega SOK because it was called that years ago. I have no idea what that stood for. They are overpriced in there but all kinda crazy and they have been there forever. Plus, when I go in there drunk and try to reach stuff on the top shelves and knock everything over, yell, "Cleanup-aisle 3!" they think it's funny. Anyway, this new stand is part of their store I believe..Here's my friend Raz with the Icy Guy, the flavors of Icy's..I tried a mango one and i have to admit it was freaking good!
The guy and my friend again, the hip logo chick full of sexual innuenedo. Like Crif Dogs, "eat me" logo.
Then there was some kind of Lost Marathon at Professor Thom's. You get sponsored to watch 92 hours of the TV show Lost and the money you raise goes to charity. There were like 2 people outside watching who looked really bored, but I didn't venture inside the bar so it may have packed for all I know. I've never seen Lost, but it's on my list of stuff to watch. If I can watch 90210, I know i'll get into this show. I like J.J. Abrams. I like cheesy stuff.
Anyway, these pics suck because I keep leaving my camera at home and have been using my cell camera. I'll have more stuff posted soon with better pics. Oh-and I put up the tip jar from the Icy Stand. Support Counter Intelligence!