This time around though, we wanted to do something a little bit more special, so Sis arranged us to have a birthday dinner at Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant over at The Heeren. It was at the spot where Shokudo used to be, but I think they are still under the same management, because the whole feel of the place and even the food tasted somewhat similar with Shokudo.
Alright, so to rate the food, well, it was good. I got to have as many salmon sashimi I wanted! (Woooo!)The variety of dishes were quite diverse and yummy. There's special snow crab for the dinner-goers and the dessert section was satisfying too! In short, it was great!
During dinner, we somehow got into some serious conversation about the World Cup, politics, and world peace. There's something comforting about the randomness of it all, though. There's only a few people in my life that I can actually talk to just about anything and everything.
Some pictures from the night:
In front of the restaurant. (Do I look dorky? I'm wearing my Aladdin-like pants)
With the birthday boy. He still looks 25 to me, actually.
Posing with the big, giant Sumo. Supposedly this is the logo of the restaurant?
My sis is so cute. When she saw this picture, she grinned at me sheepishly and said, "I like this photo! I look skinny because I'm standing next to a really fat person." Haha!
It was late after we're done with the dinner, so we dragged ourselves to catch the bus home. It was a good night! Happy birthday again, Cous!