I love the hairy huge tarantula hanging from the ceiling at Mars Bar..it's got it all..a cell phone, a NYC condom which will apparently break immediately upon using it, a pad of paper..It's adorable. So I took a pic of it. That's what i'm here for folks..
I've been sick but I have a hard time staying in..I get bored and I end up walking around even while people are telling me I look like i'm dying and should just go home. I kinda deny it then kinda collapse into a chair and pass out. I don't like being sick. It's boring and lame. I'm trying my best to stay indoors today. There should be enough Lifetime movies to keep me occupied.
Anyduh, here's a few pics of a punk and a cute little puppy..He was bringing it home to its mom so it could nurse..it was 3 weeks old. And I just had to take a photo of the dumbest/bestest license plate ever I spotted on some fancy car. Is that for when he/she squeezes into a spot and scrapes the cars behind and ahead of him/her?
I was happy to hear today that students walked out of class in Bushwick to protest the end of the free metro card for students..Bloomberg blames the state not the city, and the students will probably end up getting people to buy them cigarettes, booze and then all fight over who is on Team Edward or Team Jacob..but still..education should be free. I'm glad they walked out.