Damn, this is so beautiful.

“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I used to wonder what it would be like if someone like you looked my way. Then you did. And you didn’t stop. And I ruined everything. I don’t feel like the same person you love or loved. I don’t understand why you had to love me in the first place. We wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. I would still have my best friend and we’d still laugh and talk together. And I’d still feel special because you confided in me and no one else. I wouldn’t have to compare everyone to you and come to the simple conclusion that I’m never going to find anyone that fits me like you do. I wouldn’t have to face losing you, everything, over and over again, every single day. I wouldn’t feel spent and anchored and useless and washed up. And I wouldn’t be sitting here in a colourless dream, waiting for you to come and wake me up.”
Ellen - “Misadventures of a Teenage Renegade”