Here are some pics..Firstly, has American Apparel gone all modest with their ads or is this just for their fall line? See how the first poster is full of slutitude? And the second is downright prudish! Usually the "models" look like they are high on goofballs. I'm so confused!
Then we have a few cell pics from set..I had to get one of me in my "business" attire..We shot a scene in the NY1 office in the Chelsea Market..I got to tell Cheryl Willis how awesome I think she is! I was so excited, I couldn't stop talking about weather on the ones until everyone thought I was nuts.
There's a pic of me and my pal Mike on set-ugly shirts and so much fake blonde-ness! We were so tired and slap happy..everyone was passing out like that young gentlemen from the "rave" scene asleep in his food bowl. Then one of me on the set of my friends film "hulk" a weird indie film shot on real film in black and white! I really wanted to be a part of this film but I was in France when they filmed. But I did do one scene in a tavern where I actually vaguely had a line. It was fun..very hot on set though! Everyone was sweating like mad..
Anyway, there is lots of stuff going on this week..open mics, a show in Tompkins..more extra work for me I think..I'll be blogging a lot more.