We had splendid weather for the China Lake-Palermo-Vassalboro ride last week, with picture perfect views from Mo's Mountain (which I'm told has a story about it, though I haven't been told what it is yet. Probably something involving cursed chainrings, judging from some technical problems one of our riders had to endure - and I think everyone else had cursed chainring tattoos.) This week's adventure involves Mount Pisgah - and maybe some ice cream and apple turnovers ("turnovahs" for those of you who are natives). What more could you want? See you there!
Sunday, August 15th; READFIELD
"Mount Pisgah Turnovah" - a tour from Readfield to Winthrop to Wayne and back to Readfield.
START: 8:30 AM, at the Readfield Elementary School on South Street, a half-mile from the junction of Rt. 17 and South Street at Readfield Depot. Readfield Depot, where there is a small market and a RR crossing, is about a mile south of Readfield Center.
DISTANCE: approx. 30 miles.
TERRAIN: Rolling with a few hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: Readfield and its surrounding towns are interwoven with fine cycling roads and scenery, and the ride may feature stops at Tubby's Ice Cream in Wayne and the re-opened Apple Shed in Kents Hill, before returning to Readfield where the town's "Heritage Days" events are in full swing.
LEADER: Frank Rosen.