I am all backed up on my blogging..due to a somewhat crazy week..my friend Michael Shenker who've i've known since I was like 15, passed away. Kind of a shock to me-I hadn't realized he was that sick. He was in a lot of pain though, so that's over for him now at least. Ugh.
On a more cheerful note, I got into the The Night of Too Many Stars show at the Beacon..Had a backstage pass made up for me even, but the show was over..it was kinda for a joke. The show was really funny though..Chris Rock, David Letterman, Robin Williams, Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Tracy Morgan, Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, Jon Stewart, and even damn Paul Simon was on it..It'll be on TV on the 19th or something..and I just ruined all the surprise guests for you all! SURPRISE! I'll post pics next blog maybe..just a bunch of me pretending I was on the tech crew..none of celebs though..just little old me..
Anyway the first pic is of the kid who started Facebook..That damn Social Network film has gotten so many great reviews, I gotta go see it this week.
Then at Ray's, he's got a t-shirt special going on..Plus, the lovely Amy is back and selling cheesecake brownies which I hear are delicious. I don't eat food or I would try one. Food is for the weak!
Then my friend made this pic of me as a chimp..my favorite show Chimp Eden about a chimp sanctuary is an obsession for me..You really get involved with these chimps and their problems and personalities..Cozy is my fave-he's nuts! Well, tomorrow i'll be at Tell Your Friends at Lolita Bar, then Odessa Bar..maybe Bowery too..which is why tonight I pretty much just met a friend at Mars for one beer then came home to blog. There's a lot of bar to go to tomorrow. At least i've been going to the gym a lot..now if only I would get some calls for Aftra jobs..sigh..