Snowshoeing, "Tumalo Mountain," Bend, OR., 11/2010

Reception Party thrown for Stan & I, by Liz Coleman & Tom Herron, 11/2010 ;-}

Married the love-of-my-life, Stanford Davidson, at "Dillon Falls," Bend, OR., 11/12/2010

Rope-climbing at the "CrossFit" Halloween Party! 10/2010

Hiking/Climbing, "Smith Rock," Terrebonne, OR., 10/2010

Handstand Push-Ups, "CrossFit," Bend, OR., 10/2010

"Flagstone," slab climbing with Liz & Randy, 09/2010

"Providence Bridge Pedal," Portland, OR., 08/2010

"Night Climbing," Bend, OR., 08/2010

Rafting "Big Eddy," Bend, OR., 08/2010

"Oyster Urban AR," Portland, OR., 08/2010

"Trek" Dirt Series, Women's Mtn. Bike Camp, Bend, OR., 07/2010

Surfing, Short Sands, Cannon Beach, OR., 07/2010

"HERA Climb 4 Life/Climb 4 The Cure" event in Boulder, CO., 06/2010

"Spring Chicken AR," Redmond, OR., 05/2010

Yoga, 03/2010

Bouldering, "Waime'a Bay," N. Shore, Oahu, 02/2010

Surf trip to the N. Shore, Oahu, 02/2010

Sierra, My Alaskan Malamute, passed in Jan. 2010. She'll always be my best girl...R.I.P., sweet girl...xoxoxo