Went to the weekly NYC talent show at Bowery Poetry Club monday..I go to this quite often and will be there tomorrow as well for a bit for Reverend Jen's Anti-Slam night...It was a fun night..weirdness was all around the streets..for a Monday it was crowded at the bars. After 1am, most people were walking around looking up watching the lunar eclipse including me. I like this lame picture I took of it with my crappy camera-it looks like a fake bad backdrop.
Here's some pics of my friend Patrick Bucklew AKA Mangina whom I adore. He performs with his girl Lauren and later they howl and play keyboard as the moon slowly disappeared. He also had on one HUGE mangina that he made..and asked people to stick their finger in it..That thing could eat someone alive if it had teeth! Later I went to Mars Bar where everyone predicted a huge fatal tidal wave and I kept announcing we were all going to die..But I was in a good mood and was really happy about dying at Mars Bar with friends for some reason..Now I'm just hungover and watching Dexter and am quite glad we all survived.