It is STILL snowing here in the grey and puddly apple..At least it's warmer and the blizzards are kinda fun..I've given up being in denial about how awful this winter is and put on snowboots so I can go out and play in Tompkins..I haven't been hibernating at all..going out too much really, but no wandering the streets talking to random people like I love doing in the spring and summer..though I did get a bikini line wax today. Yeah, IT FREAKING HURT LIKE HELL! Us Jews are hairy and shaving gives me a rash..now i don't even have to shower!
Anydrizzle, Here are a few pics of snow fun at the park..A womanly snowwoman, and some weird caves and igloos abounded there..Some people were just piling snow up as high as they could in a huge ball..Snow does turn everyone into kids again. Except if you work on Wall Street and your car is encased in ice! Buy Buy Sell Sell! But your SUV is still stuck sucka! At least I spent all my dough on hair removal..probably what DoomBerg was getting done last blizzard..
Speaking of Wall Street..Some young entrepreneur must have thrown in the towel cause that little kit and a fancy black bag and other weird things were in the lobby of my building being thrown away. Har!
Then some signage on the subway..and me and my prized leg lamp..even the leg lights up!
Well, I think Ray's Candy Store is in dire straights again..i'll be stopping by there soon to see what's what and report back. Every business is dead around here but the bars and some restaurants are jam packed full of people screaming and yelling like animals let loose from their cages. And girls still are tottering around in heels! In 10 inch snowbanks! One fell when I was out earlier and started crying. I didn't have the heart to snap a pic..See how nice I am? Awww..