Here goes.
2011's New Year's Resolutions:
I will work just as hard this year and the only way to go is up.
I will learn to say 'no'. I read a self-improvement article that when you say 'yes' to other people, at times you are saying 'no' to yourself.
I will remember that happiness is a choice. How you spend a day and how you choose to live your life is in your control.
I will surround myself with friends, and put them as a better priority in my life.
I will go to Hong Kong just like I've been wanting to.
I will visit Europe and immerse myself in an entirely different culture.
I will buckle up and get in shape, and run a marathon.
I will not stop writing.
I will start "A Year in Pictures" project and complete it by the end of the year.
I will continue to weigh 50 kgs and not a pound more.
I will try eating at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurant because I've been a fan.
I will be creative and learn a new skill. It can be an art class, or maybe I'll learn sailing or driving a powerboat.
And I will continue being me and feeling comfortable in my own skin. I will stop worrying so much about what other people think, and just do things that make me happy. I will have fun and be open to opportunities, possibilities, and chances.
I will not make unrealistic new year's resolutions so these are all. :)
Happy new year, everyone, and I hope 2011 will be kind. ♥