The last pic is my awesome VD gift..granny boots! My new favorite shoes..See-I really AM a real girl! Anyway, my somewhat nutty neighbor had some kind of "episode" and when I got home from auditioning for the part of a blood obsessed psycho who kills animals..I found 12 cops in front of my apt door questioning my neighbor about his sanity. He was locked out of his apartment by accident and had called 911 I guess..Anyway, this all was kinda funny and lasted a few hours. I ate dinner while I talked to cops and tried to tell them about my bands new CD which came out today! Yay! The cops were pretty patient with all this...having to break open his lock on the door..him telling them to stay 2 feet away because he has panic episodes..Maybe me standing there cracking jokes in my slutty audition garb helped.. My neighbor was laying on his back surrounded by pills and money and weird items..but he was cracking funny jokes so it was fun in an odd way. He kept apologizing and I assured him that this was the most normal thing that happened to me this week. I was at a party last night drinking wine with some funny comedians..My hangover today actually helped my audition as a psycho I think..
Anycrud, more info about the Cd soon and I have a ton of blogs and pics to post this week! Lotsa stuff going on..cant wait for spring! Fun feels like its in the air..