Then someone in the Mars Bar bathroom was REALLY playing the lottery a lot! Guess they lost judging by the amount of tickets that were in the garbage, angrily torn up. Sigh..I play too. I want to be rich even though I know I will just buy a unicorn and a hot tub and then will be a pauper again.
The photos of the amazing puke I saw the other night on the street reflect how I feel right now with Aunt Flow being in town. KILL KILL KILL KILL! I turned down some background work tomorrow, where I may have gotten a SAG waiver, due to awful cramps and a small gig at 11pm. I would have to be in brooklyn at 7am. Considering I go to bed at 6am lately, I'd be pulling another all nighter..I actually don't think my body could handle that right now. I'm doubled over in pain and on painkillers. It would be torture. I do want to join SAG, but one waiver won't do it for me. Plus, AFTRA and SAG are merging next year for sure now so i'm not sure if joining SAG for 2,500 would be the right thing to do. What if I get the three waivers, join, and then have to pay AGAIN when they merge? So confusing..Hopefully, How to Make it in America will need more tattooed hipsters and will call me again. I was nice when they texted me to work. Ah..I'm in pain. Womanly pain. Had a fun birthday, full of interesting stuff but am feeling not so good right now. Guess i'm old..