We had a fine ride around Cobbossee Lake led by Cynthia Snow last June 11th. Despite another so-so forecast, eleven people showed up and were rewarded with a great ride. Many thanks to Cynthia!
I wasn't quite so lucky, as I was off in Vermont attempting two back-to-back centuries in the cold and rain. There was some great Vermont scenery, even wet as it was, but the Vermont roads have really taken a beating since the last time I was there. Their roads may even be worse than some of ours now, sorry to say, but still worth a trip.
Next Saturday's ride will be in Augusta, and it will include breakfast on the agenda! If you plan to come, please R.S.V.P. to Connie, the ride leader, ahead of time, so she can get an idea of the head count for breakfast after the ride. In year's past this event has been really well received, and you wouldn't want to miss it!
Saturday, June 25th - AUGUSTA
"Capital Breakfast Ride" - a tour through the streets and past the features of our capital city.
START: 8:00 AM at the parking lot of the Hussey Elementary School on Quimby Street in Augusta. Quimby is right off Rt. 100 at the traffic light across from Auclair's Cycle heading north; detailed directions here: http://www.augustaschools.org/schools/hussey_elementary_school/directions.htm
DISTANCE: 25 miles.
TERRAIN: moderate with some flat stretches riverside.
HIGHLIGHTS: breakfast, the capital, the Kennebec close up, new and intriguing routes - and did we mention breakfast?
LEADER: Connie Brown. Please R.S.V.P. if you plan to ride, so we can get a good head count for breakfast. Thanks!