So, last week or so my two sisters and my friend Sean and I went to see Alison Arngrim perform her one woman show, "Confessions os a Prairie Bitch." She played my idol, Nellie on the show Little House on the Prairie which my sisters and I were obsessed with. She was pretty funny..We wrote out questions which she read on stage and answered..Mine is here but she didn't get to it. It's funnier if you know the infamous Apples episode..
So here are some pics of my older and younger sisters and I..and Sean..Gena got tipsy and broke a glass and we all got our pics with Nellie who seemed slightly frightened by the Brower sisters..Apparently rabid fans of the show are called "Bonnetheads." And she said Nellie would now be referred to as a cunt, not a bitch. I learned a lot at the show..yes I did!
Today is the party at the Chillmaster's house..go to evgrieve.com and put in Chillmaster in the search box to read about this guy. I'm going to start drinking wine at his place at 5. Can't wait!