Party at The Chillmaster's Place! Fuck yeah!

Okay..if you don't know who The Chillmaster is you never walk down east 3rd st between 1st and Avenue A. He plays great music. VERY LOUDLY! Please refer to and and type his name in the searchbox. Anyhoot, went to the second party at his place Sunday night..drank wine way before the sun went down which is weird for me..Feels odd to be buzzed during the day..Take careful note of the drunk dancing, the disco cup, and the lighter as big as my head!

So here are some pics of the crazy! Enjoy! My next and last posts for a few weeks will probably be all Mars Bar stuff since for all I know they will be closed when I get back from the Italy gigs..Well, hopefully not. I leave in a week and I will try to make it there a bunch..What a fun weekend..lostsa fun parties and shows and gay marriage had everyone running around the streets all night yelling at the top of their lungs. Fun to see history being made..And watch it get overturned in two years! Har!