Occupy Wall Street Huge March on Wednesday..

So I have been going down to Liberty park pretty often..went to Washington Square today for the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street. Not sure how long the cops are going to let this go on..Bloomberg seems scared all the people will just be camping in the streets if they get kicked out of the park. I'm enjoying being a part of this loose yet good spirited rise up against shit this is just pissing people off in this country. Their demands may not be met but it's nice to see people taking action and doing SOMETHING about what they see as injustices against the lower class which used to be the middle class i suppose..the 99% versus the 1%? We will see where this all goes..it has spread to at least a dozen other cities now. Here are some pics and videos from the October 5th March which included transit workers, unions and nurses and more..No, it is not just "rich white kids who don't work" down there at all. It is picking up steam. The arguments on facebook about this are insane and some are vicious. People are taking sides and losing friends over arguing over this movement.