Here are some pretty hideous photos of me I dug up ranging from about 5 years old to maybe 10 years ago..glasses, no glasses, afro, braces, no tattoos yet..afro, afro and afro. The ones that are scenic are from Key West and Maui..and one of my love Junior Dog..RIP..
Some interesting stuff going on..got emailed out of the blue to play the uke fest in Dublin..this is awesome..we will be in Paris at some point anyway so air fare is cheap as hell..Well, they are paying for our airfare, hotel, food and some euros to boot..So i get to see Ireland in August! I leave NYC for tour/recording first week of July..back to NYC end of August..yay! When I come back we will have a new album to mix and John's comp will be done too. So much good stuff happening!
Also, I realized I can block annoying people on the evil empire of FACEBOOK using my phone and I won't be in danger of the evil TIMELINE. I blocked and it felt so right! Fb will probably undo them all when they update again..but for now I am safe from a nutter who compared me to FOX News, a nutter who sits in Tompkins all day playing chess who spies on my page and accidentally "liked" a post then unliked it..Too late! I saw it and got the email about it! And someone people refer to as Banana Boy who is very confused about his sexuality and said as a female I am "waaaay past my prime" to be a performer. Though his artistic heroes are ten years my senior..but they are men of course..I hate fake feminists..usually they are the ones talking VERY LOUDLY about how great women are how pro-female they are. Then they slip up and use the most sexist terms imaginable. Funny to be called a primadonna, a fame whore and past my prime by a guy who dresses up like a banana for free to get attention and calls it art. For a living. For no pay. And who is 7 years younger than me. Hee! I did give him some advice about meds and therapy months ago..which I hear he has not taken to heart. I tried!
These are the downsides of having strangers as friends on that site..or people you don't want as friends anymore! The privacy settings are confusing and don't seem to stick when they update the site..Well, it's still fun to post videos and gross pics and very good for promotion! I'm going to post about any fests in Europe and Ireland now and see if anyone comes up with any..Ya never know! Anyfruit, THE FUG!