Southeast Chinook runs not so kingly
Chinook salmon runs to the Stikine and Taku rivers are coming in well below forecast, the Department of Fish and Game reports. More details here.
Trouble down on the farm
Icicle Seafoods, one of Alaska's major salmon processors, also is involved in farming Atlantic salmon in Washington state.
Recently, media outlets reported that Icicle was killing scores of farmed fish to prevent an outbreak of infectious hematopoietic necrosis, the IHN virus, from spreading.
Icicle yesterday issued this press release addressing the situation, emphasizing that the virus is found naturally in the region's wild salmon and herring.
Recently, media outlets reported that Icicle was killing scores of farmed fish to prevent an outbreak of infectious hematopoietic necrosis, the IHN virus, from spreading.
Icicle yesterday issued this press release addressing the situation, emphasizing that the virus is found naturally in the region's wild salmon and herring.
Hatching 'new tools' for media control in Cordova
Recently published research examining possible negative effects of hatchery salmon production on wild stocks generated quite a bit of publicity such as this.
Folks at Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corp., Alaska's largest hatchery operator, apparently didn't appreciate all the media attention.
And something will be done about it, according to this summary of PWSAC's May 23 executive committee meeting.
Here's the relevant part:
Chairman's Report (George Covel)
• Google Alerts — PWSAC uses this as a monitoring tool. Recently, over 30 news media stories have been posted on the internet about research conducted regarding the interactions of hatchery and wild salmon. Several of these are publications from ADF&G staff. Covel reported that ADF&G will put into place new tools to prevent this from happening again in the future. It is important for Department to clear this up. PWSAC is monitoring this along with Tracy Foster, Foster Communication Strategies.
Deckboss can hardly wait to ask the Alaska Department of Fish and Game exactly what sort of "tools" we're talking about.
Folks at Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corp., Alaska's largest hatchery operator, apparently didn't appreciate all the media attention.
And something will be done about it, according to this summary of PWSAC's May 23 executive committee meeting.
Here's the relevant part:
Chairman's Report (George Covel)
• Google Alerts — PWSAC uses this as a monitoring tool. Recently, over 30 news media stories have been posted on the internet about research conducted regarding the interactions of hatchery and wild salmon. Several of these are publications from ADF&G staff. Covel reported that ADF&G will put into place new tools to prevent this from happening again in the future. It is important for Department to clear this up. PWSAC is monitoring this along with Tracy Foster, Foster Communication Strategies.
Deckboss can hardly wait to ask the Alaska Department of Fish and Game exactly what sort of "tools" we're talking about.
I love getting away to somewhere I have never been. In foreign places, everything seems more possible. I get a little bit braver and bolder to try new things, to walk new paths. I travel to experience something different, and how much greater it is to be able to share it with someone you love. The past year has been like a dream. It feels like I went to all these places for the first time, because I did it with you. Somehow being lost feels fun and adventurous. Being in extreme cold as we shivered and huddled under our jackets feel exciting. Encountering dodgy money changers and trying to bargain our ways for stuffs feel like twice the fun. I guess I have to thank you for that. For being the other half of my adventure. For experiencing all these with me. I can’t wait for many, many adventures with you.
92 Degrees out ya freaks!
It is going to be 92 degrees out today and tomorrow and that means I will write this quick post and get the hell outside. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! So I am eating a fake acorn in the first pic. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW, OKAY?
Then it seems like Tompkins Square park is really upping their efforts to control the rat population in there..Now there are several of these weird solar garbages in the park now and I have no idea what the hell they are except that they are really hard to open, rats probably will figure out how before me..and they may possibly be alien robots sent to spy on humanity before they take over our planet.
AnyPuke, I opened one and saw what you see in the bottom pic so i sort of don't think anyone is going to want to be using these things really..
My Top 10 "Power" Training Foods
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas Edison
I get asked a lot what my favorite "training foods" are. Yes, I do have some, and I highly recommend any athlete incorporate these foods, regularly, into their diet. I will offer information on the therapeutic qualities of these foods, from both a Chinese dietary perspective, and also a western nutrition background. These foods have been used over the centuries by athlete-warriors of the day, from different cultures. Their time-tested ability to increase endurance, power, and muscle mass are tried and true.
1.) LIVER: You be hard-pressed to find a better nutritional "powerhouse" of B-complex. In combination, its one of the top sources of B12, B6 and folate in the world. It provides over 388% of the daily recommended dose of vit. A, and could be considered one of the highest anti-oxidant foods in the world. In addition, its packed with heme-iron (ladies, ever been told you're low in iron?), and amino acids, the building blocks for strength and metabolism.
From a Chinese dietary therapy perspective, beef liver is said to strengthen the liver organ itself, in the person who eats it. Its commonly used in the treatment of eye conditions such as blurred vision, night blindness, glaucoma and optic nerve atrophy.
Its traditional use, in a variety of cultures, from the Plains Native Americans to the Masai in Africa, cannot be underestimated. It was considered the food par excellence for the warrior and games athletes of Greece and Sparta.
2) Royal Jelly: What's good enough for the queen bee is good enough for you. Royal jelly is considered just that, a food for the "royals." Its the food of infant bees and the sole food of the queen bee. Bee pollen is often touted as a staple for energy. Royal jelly is an energy nutritive also, but to a much more substantial degree than pollen.
It is considered an endocrine tonic unrivaled, and thereby has a tonic effect on all endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive). Its reputation for its anti-aging, libido, and endurance producing effects are known across the globe. Its loaded with a broad spectrum of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
In Chinese medicine, royal jelly has been used for centuries in the treatment of malnutrition in children, for arthritis, leukemia, and wasting diseases.
Modern naturopathic medicine has found it to be powerful in stimulating the growth of glial cells and neural stem cells in the brain.
I get asked a lot what my favorite "training foods" are. Yes, I do have some, and I highly recommend any athlete incorporate these foods, regularly, into their diet. I will offer information on the therapeutic qualities of these foods, from both a Chinese dietary perspective, and also a western nutrition background. These foods have been used over the centuries by athlete-warriors of the day, from different cultures. Their time-tested ability to increase endurance, power, and muscle mass are tried and true.
1.) LIVER: You be hard-pressed to find a better nutritional "powerhouse" of B-complex. In combination, its one of the top sources of B12, B6 and folate in the world. It provides over 388% of the daily recommended dose of vit. A, and could be considered one of the highest anti-oxidant foods in the world. In addition, its packed with heme-iron (ladies, ever been told you're low in iron?), and amino acids, the building blocks for strength and metabolism.
From a Chinese dietary therapy perspective, beef liver is said to strengthen the liver organ itself, in the person who eats it. Its commonly used in the treatment of eye conditions such as blurred vision, night blindness, glaucoma and optic nerve atrophy.
Its traditional use, in a variety of cultures, from the Plains Native Americans to the Masai in Africa, cannot be underestimated. It was considered the food par excellence for the warrior and games athletes of Greece and Sparta.
Masai Warrior Eating Liver To Prepare Himself For The Hunt (Narok, Kenya)
2) Royal Jelly: What's good enough for the queen bee is good enough for you. Royal jelly is considered just that, a food for the "royals." Its the food of infant bees and the sole food of the queen bee. Bee pollen is often touted as a staple for energy. Royal jelly is an energy nutritive also, but to a much more substantial degree than pollen.
It is considered an endocrine tonic unrivaled, and thereby has a tonic effect on all endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive). Its reputation for its anti-aging, libido, and endurance producing effects are known across the globe. Its loaded with a broad spectrum of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
In Chinese medicine, royal jelly has been used for centuries in the treatment of malnutrition in children, for arthritis, leukemia, and wasting diseases.
Modern naturopathic medicine has found it to be powerful in stimulating the growth of glial cells and neural stem cells in the brain.
Royal Jelly
3) Eggs: Like most things in western cuisine, the American public have formed a love/hate relationship with eggs. You no longer have to. Eggs are one of the best protein, fat-soluable vitamin, and amino acid sources available. The way you can get maximum benefit from your eggs are by following these tips:
-Cooked white, runny yolks (over-easy, or very lightly soft-boiled)
-Buy organic, free-range, farm fresh
I eat a lot of eggs every day. In Oregon, the winters can get dark and dreary. The fresh, brightly colored yolk is a wonderful way to get an edible dose of vit. D in your diet. The farther north of equator you live, the more you need edible vit. D., since you're not getting as much from the sunlight as you actually need.
Vit. D is now being touted as the "anti-cancer vitamin." It regulates hormones, mood, gives hair, nail and skin a lustrous shine, and prevents S.A.D. ("Seasonal Affective Disorder"). For a woman trying to conceive, vit. D is vital to conception, and proper neurological and bone health of the baby.
Ancient bodybuilders, the world over, have put raw egg yolks in their protein supplement shakes. As long as you source your eggs well, this should not be a problem. I've been doing this for years. I also take painstaking measures to ingest the best eggs possible. Quality counts. I would not consume raw egg yolks from a factory-farmed egg.
In Chinese medicine eggs have a "neutral" thermal nature, thereby not aggravating any condition of heat (hot flashes, fevers, etc.) or cold (chills, poor circulation, etc.). Eggs are used as a blood and yin tonic (builder). They are recommended to "secure" the fetus (when there has been a tendency to miscarry), and are said to be calming for the fetus demonstrating excess movement in the womb. Eggs are said to moisten the upper body, specifically, and are therefore, also recommended, for dryness of the lungs, throat, and eyes. Eggs have been used, for thousands of years in Eastern medicine for the person with a dry, thin or anemic constitution.
In Chinese medicine eggs have a "neutral" thermal nature, thereby not aggravating any condition of heat (hot flashes, fevers, etc.) or cold (chills, poor circulation, etc.). Eggs are used as a blood and yin tonic (builder). They are recommended to "secure" the fetus (when there has been a tendency to miscarry), and are said to be calming for the fetus demonstrating excess movement in the womb. Eggs are said to moisten the upper body, specifically, and are therefore, also recommended, for dryness of the lungs, throat, and eyes. Eggs have been used, for thousands of years in Eastern medicine for the person with a dry, thin or anemic constitution.
The protein in eggs is consistent, and dense in such a small item. In addition, the lecithin in the egg yolk is "built-in" to help the body absorb the vital fat-soluable vitamins within the fat of the yolk. Lecithin has been shown to assist with neurological/brain health, and to benefit the following disorders: ADD/ADHD, prevention of/post stroke, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and M.S. So, eat those eggs, and enjoy the many benefits they bring to your training.
Over Easy Eggs
4.) Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite staple foods. They're filled with fiber (and therefore fill you up quickly!), are versatile to cook/bake with, and are loved by young and old alike. You can make desserts out of them, main dishes, potato salads, and even use them as a base for smoothies.
Sweet potatoes have been used as a low-glycemic answer to the high-carbohydrate white, "Russet" potato by athletes for years. You will feel more satiated with a sweet potato vs. a "Russet" potato, and will notice your portion sizes decreasing, when you add them into your diet.
In Chinese medicine, sweet potatoes are said to "promote Qi," and to "cool the body." This can be useful, during the recovery phase of training, when the body has been overheated, for a period of time, during training. Sweet potatoes rejuvenate the body, and build the yin capacity to tonify the adrenal glands (the endocrine glands responsible for cortisol, your "fight-or-flight" hormone"). They benefit inflamed, dry conditions (eczema, psoriasis, dry, itchy, scaly skin, etc.). Sweet potatoes are also used to treat the perpetually thin, frail, convalescent and/or geriatric individual. They can increase quantity of milk in lactating women, if there is a decrease, and also strengthen the spleen-pancreas complex (responsible for insulin regulation in Eastern medicine).
Sweet potato is a nutritional powerhouse of vit. A., and has been used in western and African folk remedies, in combination with liver (see food #1) for night blindness.
Two Young Japanese Girls Harvesting Sweet Potatoes
5.) Quinoa: Many people think of quinoa as a grain, but botanically speaking, it is a seed. Quinoa is a virtual powerhouse of nutrition. It has grown in the South American Andes for thousands of years, and thrives in high, cold altitudes. It was the staple food of the Incan warriors, and is a cousin of the amaranth seed (staple of the Maya and Aztec warriors).
It is considered "warming" in nature, from a Chinese dietary therapy perspective. It is therefore useful for the frail, cold constitution, or for the person inhabiting cold climates. It is considered strengthening for the whole body, and specifically tonifies the adrenal "yang Qi" (your source of will, drive and power). It has as much protein as turkey, and is an excellent source of phosphorous, iron and vit. E. In addition, it has as much calcium as milk, and is quite high in omega-3 fatty acids (which are anti-inflammatory).
It comes in many color varieties, and can be made into a "gruel," ground into flour, or prepared like a grain.
Red & White Quinoa
6.) Watermelon: Watermelon has long been known as a "hydration fruit." For the overheated, overexerted athlete, nothing sounds better than a slice of watermelon after a long, hot run or athletic event.
Watermelon, and its various parts, can be prepared in a variety of ways. The rind is rich in silicon, and can be juiced or made into a tea to effectively reduce high blood pressure (1 ounce, 2-3x daily).
The seeds, when dried, can be decocted and made into a tea. They are a natural diuretic (assisting those with kidney issues), and contain cucurbocitrin, a compound which dilates cappillaires, also assisting high blood pressure.
Watermelon is said to be "cooling" to the body, in Chinese medicine, and has been used for centuries to "remove heat from the pericardium" (preventing sudden heatstroke, or even "unexplained death" during an athletic match in young people). Watermelon removes edema from the lower body, diminishes canker sores, lifts depression, and effectively treats kidney and bladder infections, such as nephritis and urethritis.
Watermelon is often used as a food, for the athlete-in-training, to soothe carbohydrate cravings. It offers a healthy dose of vit. C (39% of your daily value), and an abundance of potassium, magnesium, and manganese (all vital electrolytes).
Watermelon, Cool & Refreshing
7.) Pistachios: Many experts, in recent years have touted the "Mediterranean Diet." Looking at the lean meats, fresh fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts they eat, has proven to promote longevity in Adriatic regions.
The pistachio comes from this part of the world. Long a staple of Syria, the Middle East, Crete, and Greece, the pistachio was to be found in the knap-sacks of weary travelers coming/going to the "Holy Land" on pilgrimage.
Pistachio nut trees were said to be found in the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" in 700 B.C. We can trace its ancient roots to Bedouin tribes of the Middle East, and northern Africa, eating it for fuel during their long desert treks in the blistering sun.
Pistachios are considered an important tonic for the entire body, and all vital organs, in Ayurvedic medicine. They have a particular tonic effect on the liver and kidneys, and are said to assist with regularity.
Iran is the highest cultivator of pistachios, and prize pistachios in their national cuisine.
In December 2008, Dr. James Painter, a behavioral eating expert, professor and chair of School of Family and Consumer Sciences at Eastern Illinois University, described the Pistachio Principle. The Pistachio Principle describes methods of "fooling" one's body into eating less. One example used is that the act of shelling and eating pistachios one by one slows one's consumption, allowing one to feel full faster after having eaten less.
Pistachios Being Grown In Iran
8.) Buffalo: Buffalo is a traditional food of the Plains Native Americans. It is a lean meat that is easy to digest, and loaded with protein.
Due to the fact, that buffaloes are not factory-farmed animals, and are regulated by strict hunting/raising laws, they are a clean, good meat source to add into one's diet.
"Wasna" (meaning "all mixed up") was the traditional "trail-mix" or "pemmican" of the Lakota Sioux and Arapahoe natives. Renowned for being fierce warriors, and great hunters, the Native people packed "wasna" into buffalo horns to be eaten, during the long sojourns for the hunt.
"Wasna" was a combination of dried berries (the "choke berry" of the Plains was most commonly used), pounded and mixed with dried buffalo meat and buffalo kidney fat. This perfect combination of fat/protein/carbs was enough to sustain the greatest warriors of the Plains.
The Plains natives, were chronicled by early explorers and Medical Anthropologists as being some of the "greatest in stature, healthy, long-lived people you will meet." Their robust frame, strong bones, and hardy countenance were said to be from the adequate protein that the buffalo specifically provided them.
The buffalo is so important to the Plains Native Americans that their mythology, stories, and dances are cultivated around its calving and hunting seasons.
Lakota Sioux Hunting Buffalo
9.) Avocados: Avocados are largely thought of as native to the Polynesian or Caribbean islands, but in fact, they are from Mexico. Avocados are a rich source of mono-saturated fat (80% of its caloric content), and are a higher potassium source than bananas.
In addition, they are rich in vits. E and K, and are a good source of soluble fiber.
In Chinese medicine they are said to build/tonify the blood and yin, "harmonize" the liver, and lubricate dry lungs and intestines.
Avocados are rich in copper, which aids in red blood cell formation. An easily digestible protein source, avocados are good for people with weak digestion. They're also indicated in intestinal inflammatory disorders: IBS, Crohn's, ulcers, gastroenteritis, diverticulitis, etc.
10) Seaweed: If you come from Celtic, Saxon, Norse, Welsh, French or Pict ancestral lines, then your ancestors ate seaweed...and a lot of it. Most Americans associate seaweed with being an Oriental food, but it was a staple of Viking warriors from long ago. Carried in vats, on the powerful Viking ships, to replenish precious electrolytes and salt, seaweed is often known as a "sea vegetable."
Seaweed stabilizes blood sugar (probably pretty important for those powerful Viking rowers!). It curbs cravings, re-establishes electrolyte balance, and normalizes fluids in the body (think edema).
Seaweed is said, in Chinese medicine, to detoxify the body of all excess radiation and heavy metals, clean the lymphatic system, stabilize metabolism, alkalize the blood (vital post-workout), heal the thyroid, and regulate endocrine/hormonal balance.
Seaweed contains a mucilaginous, soothing gel-like substance that heals the G.I.. tract, and inflammatory conditions associated with it (similar to avocado in this regard). All varieties of seaweed are a wealth of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, and are exceptionally high in iodine, calcium and iron. In addition, seaweed is also one of the few good sources of flourine, a halogen that boosts the body's defenses and strengthens the teeth and bones.
I hope you consider using my top 10 favorite "powerfoods" in your nutrition plan. You will notice an increase in energy, athletic endurance, and overall health.
"The sages follow the laws of nature, and therefore their bodies are free from strange diseases. They do not lose any of their natural functions, and their spirit of life is never exhausted."
~"Huangdi NeiJing, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine,"
*Excerpts from "Healing With Whole Foods," by Paul Pritchford, "Chinese Dietary Therapy," by Chi-Lin LiU & "WikiPedia"
The Large Lakes
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Heading into Winthrop |
We had another really fine ride last Saturday, stringing together a remarkably flat route through three towns (Livermore, Fayette, and Chesterville) and three counties (Androscoggin, Kennebec, and Franklin), including a delightful run along the Chesterville Esker and back again. We'll see if three's a charm this Saturday when Denise takes us on a tour of the three big lakes in Winthrop, Monmouth, and Manchester - another great route. And BCM's popular Womens' Ride is Sunday in Freeport, so we have some great riding in store!
Saturday, June 2nd - EAST WINTHROP
"The Big Lakes Tour" - a ride along the shorelines of Lakes Maranacook, Annabessacook, and Cobbosseecontee.
START: 9:00 AM at the parking lot of Tom's Bike Boutique, 2208 Rt.202 in East Winthrop, across from D.R Struck's Nursery.
DISTANCE: 25-30 miles.
TERRAIN: moderate with some hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: Some nice lakeside runs along backroads in Winthrop, Monmouth, and Manchester.
LEADER: Denise Crowell.
Togiak herring catch is coming up short
The Togiak sac roe herring season closes for seiners at 10 o'clock tonight. Gillnetters, however, can keep fishing.
The seine fleet has caught 13,084 tons of herring, representing 86.4 percent of its allocation, the Department of Fish and Game reports.
Gillnetters are running way behind, having caught 2,870 tons or 44.2 percent of their allocation.
With a grand total of 15,954 tons taken, it would appear the harvest won't reach the preseason quota of 21,622 tons.
But maybe that will prove to be a good thing in terms of price.
The seine fleet has caught 13,084 tons of herring, representing 86.4 percent of its allocation, the Department of Fish and Game reports.
Gillnetters are running way behind, having caught 2,870 tons or 44.2 percent of their allocation.
With a grand total of 15,954 tons taken, it would appear the harvest won't reach the preseason quota of 21,622 tons.
But maybe that will prove to be a good thing in terms of price.
The red-hot Copper River
We've seen three 12-hour openers so far at the Copper River, and gillnetters sure have made the most of their time.
The sockeye catch has been killer, totaling an estimated 627,000 fish.
In fact, we're off to an even hotter start than last year, when the first three openers produced a combined 451,937 sockeye. The 2011 season went on to an excellent finish of more than 2 million fish.
The situation with Chinook salmon isn't so exciting. The tally thus far is an estimated 3,300 fish, compared to 5,528 taken during the first three openers last season.
The Copper River District will open at 7 a.m. Monday for a 36-hour period.
The sockeye catch has been killer, totaling an estimated 627,000 fish.
In fact, we're off to an even hotter start than last year, when the first three openers produced a combined 451,937 sockeye. The 2011 season went on to an excellent finish of more than 2 million fish.
The situation with Chinook salmon isn't so exciting. The tally thus far is an estimated 3,300 fish, compared to 5,528 taken during the first three openers last season.
The Copper River District will open at 7 a.m. Monday for a 36-hour period.
A Tour of the Back Forty
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Cruising by one of the large dairy farms in Whitefield |
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One of the few flat stretches on the route |
Leanne led us out of the Windsor Fairgrounds as we headed south towards Whitefield. We rode along some great back roads past some large, prosperous dairy farms set back from the river among lush, verdant hillsides.
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One of a seemingly endless series of hills |
As the ride continued south down towards Alna and Head Tide we encountered a challenging series of short hills. The rains had nurtured an abundance of greenery, and the roads were often lined with wildflowers. We stopped to admire the many metal sculptures at the Iron Horse, the sculpture garden of Roger Majorowitz set in a pastoral setting. Continuing along, we came to the endgame of dairy country: the large manure processing outfits of "Cowshit Corner."
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The Not-So-Blime |
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The Sublime: Roger Majorowitz's Sculpture Garden |
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Photo-Op at the Dam on the Sheepscott |
We stopped at the dam on the Sheepscott River with a number of old mills in the background. We watched dense schools of alwives cluster at the face of the dam, working their way up the fish ladder at the far side. There were a pair of fish-monitoring traps set downstream of the dam, and a number of canoes were being launched from the river landing. Leanne gathered us together on the dam for a group photo before we headed back on the return trip. You couldn't ask for a nicer 40-mile ride.
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A velo study in primary colors |
'One hundred letters should be our goal'
It's not uncommon to see some pretty stiff competition for seats on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
But this year, the campaigning seems particularly intense.
You might recall our post back in March about how a large industry bloc was thinking of mounting a challenge to Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire's top choice for a council seat, Lori Swanson. The industry group preferred the second name on Gregoire's list of nominees, Craig Cross.
Well, the challenge is on and Cross is getting a major push.
It's up to the U.S. commerce secretary to decide who ultimately gets the seat, and the decision is expected by the end of June.
Deckboss hears reliably that a ranking Commerce Department official, Eric Schwaab, met with the At-sea Processors Association during its recent gathering in Hawaii. The Seattle-based association represents the Bering Sea pollock factory trawl fleet, and its Washington, D.C., lobbyist, Jim Gilmore, has been leading the charge for Cross.
Here's a Gilmore email from a couple of days ago talking about congressional support for Cross, and laying out details for a "letter writing campaign" to the Commerce Department's National Marine Fisheries Service:
From: Jim Gilmore
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 8:56 AM
To: 'Kenny Down'; 'robert alverson'; 'Arni Thomson'; 'Mark Gleason'; 'Margaret Hall'; 'Sara Chapman'; 'Brent Paine';; 'Inge Andreassen'; 'Jan Jacobs'; 'Mike Hyde'; 'Dave Benson'; 'Joe Plesha'; 'Doug Christensen'; 'Donna Parker'; 'Mike Breivik'; 'Jim Johnson'; 'John Bundy'; 'Bill Stokes'; 'Neil Rodriguez'
Cc: 'Paxton, Matthew'; 'Theodore Kronmiller'; 'stephanie madsen'; Craig Cross; 'Jeff Bjornstad'; 'Paul MacGregor'
Subject: Craig Cross appt. — letter writing campaign to NMFS
Importance: High
Hello all —
I am advised that to help push Craig Cross' candidacy forward that a letter writing campaign to NOAA/NMFS would be helpful. Letters need to go out today or Tuesday.
For the organizations on this distribution list, can you please get as many of your members as possible to reiterate their support for Craig? One hundred letters should be our goal.
As you know, Craig has secured the support of Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, as well as Congressmen Rick Larsen and Jim McDermott. We hope to get one or two more Congressional endorsements, as well, but we need grassroots support, too. And a grassroots campaign could make it easier to land more Congressional endorsements.
The A80 fleet has responded to the Congressional endorsements with an aggressive letter writing campaign. We have provided NOAA/NMFS with the two dozen attached letters of support for Craig, many letters written by you to Governor Gregoire. You can use them as a model for letters to NOAA/NMFS. I also suggest that you note the broad range of support for Craig within the industry as I believe most of the letters for Lori are from the A80 fleet.
1. Address letters to Sam Rauch, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA Fisheries, 1315 East West Hwy., Silver Spring, MD 20910.
2. Email the letter to Bill Chappell at He is handling the nominations within NMFS HQ.
3. Please copy the following staff in the WA delegation:;;;; (Those are the staffers for Murray, Cantwell, Adam Smith, McDermott, and Larsen, respectively.)
4. If you can have folks blind copy me at, that will help us keep a library of these support letters.
Thanks to all for your continued support for Craig.
Jim Gilmore
Director of Public Affairs
At-sea Processors Association
Washington, DC
Cross is director of government affairs and business development for Aleutian Spray Fisheries. One of Aleutian Spray's vessels, the factory trawler Starbound, is a member of the At-sea Processors Association. Aleutian Spray also has other boats including freezer longliners, which broadens industry support for Cross.
The "A80 fleet" mentioned in the email refers to flatfish trawlers, known as the Amendment 80 fleet, that Swanson represents. This is a relatively narrow segment of the Alaska industry.
Evidently, the Swanson camp likewise is campaigning very hard to reel in the council seat.
A similar competition is developing over an Alaska seat now held by Dan Hull, an Anchorage resident who fishes commercially for halibut and salmon out of Cordova.
Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell in March nominated Hull for a new term on the council.
But Hull supporters are concerned that the Commerce Department might reject Hull and instead choose another, lower name on Parnell's list. That would be Tim Evers of Ninilchik, a longtime boat charter operator.
That's disconcerting to commercial interests who don't want to see more sportfish representation on the council.
Deckboss acquired this recent action alert exhorting Hull supporters to put in a good word for him:
SITUATION. Gov Parnell has nominated Dan Hull (Longliner and gillnetter) and Ed Dersham (Sport) for reappointment to the NPFMC. The Secretary of Commence will make a decision soon and will announce appointments by the end of June.
We understand that there is an effort underway to get the Secretary to appoint a retired charter operator to replace Dan Hull on the council. This would give the charter sector two of eleven voting seats on the Council, which is out of proportion to the single charter issue before the council — halibut charter allocation.
ACTION. If you see Senator Begich, Senator Murkowski, or Congressman Young in Alaska over the Memorial Day recess, please make these points. Senator Begich will be in Petersburg Sunday (May 27).
By June 2, please send a short message via email to the Secretary of Commerce and copy the NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco and the Congressional Delegation (email below). Personalizing the message will make it stronger.
But this year, the campaigning seems particularly intense.
You might recall our post back in March about how a large industry bloc was thinking of mounting a challenge to Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire's top choice for a council seat, Lori Swanson. The industry group preferred the second name on Gregoire's list of nominees, Craig Cross.
Well, the challenge is on and Cross is getting a major push.
It's up to the U.S. commerce secretary to decide who ultimately gets the seat, and the decision is expected by the end of June.
Deckboss hears reliably that a ranking Commerce Department official, Eric Schwaab, met with the At-sea Processors Association during its recent gathering in Hawaii. The Seattle-based association represents the Bering Sea pollock factory trawl fleet, and its Washington, D.C., lobbyist, Jim Gilmore, has been leading the charge for Cross.
Here's a Gilmore email from a couple of days ago talking about congressional support for Cross, and laying out details for a "letter writing campaign" to the Commerce Department's National Marine Fisheries Service:
From: Jim Gilmore
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 8:56 AM
To: 'Kenny Down'; 'robert alverson'; 'Arni Thomson'; 'Mark Gleason'; 'Margaret Hall'; 'Sara Chapman'; 'Brent Paine';; 'Inge Andreassen'; 'Jan Jacobs'; 'Mike Hyde'; 'Dave Benson'; 'Joe Plesha'; 'Doug Christensen'; 'Donna Parker'; 'Mike Breivik'; 'Jim Johnson'; 'John Bundy'; 'Bill Stokes'; 'Neil Rodriguez'
Cc: 'Paxton, Matthew'; 'Theodore Kronmiller'; 'stephanie madsen'; Craig Cross; 'Jeff Bjornstad'; 'Paul MacGregor'
Subject: Craig Cross appt. — letter writing campaign to NMFS
Importance: High
Hello all —
I am advised that to help push Craig Cross' candidacy forward that a letter writing campaign to NOAA/NMFS would be helpful. Letters need to go out today or Tuesday.
For the organizations on this distribution list, can you please get as many of your members as possible to reiterate their support for Craig? One hundred letters should be our goal.
As you know, Craig has secured the support of Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, as well as Congressmen Rick Larsen and Jim McDermott. We hope to get one or two more Congressional endorsements, as well, but we need grassroots support, too. And a grassroots campaign could make it easier to land more Congressional endorsements.
The A80 fleet has responded to the Congressional endorsements with an aggressive letter writing campaign. We have provided NOAA/NMFS with the two dozen attached letters of support for Craig, many letters written by you to Governor Gregoire. You can use them as a model for letters to NOAA/NMFS. I also suggest that you note the broad range of support for Craig within the industry as I believe most of the letters for Lori are from the A80 fleet.
1. Address letters to Sam Rauch, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA Fisheries, 1315 East West Hwy., Silver Spring, MD 20910.
2. Email the letter to Bill Chappell at He is handling the nominations within NMFS HQ.
3. Please copy the following staff in the WA delegation:;;;; (Those are the staffers for Murray, Cantwell, Adam Smith, McDermott, and Larsen, respectively.)
4. If you can have folks blind copy me at, that will help us keep a library of these support letters.
Thanks to all for your continued support for Craig.
Jim Gilmore
Director of Public Affairs
At-sea Processors Association
Washington, DC
Cross is director of government affairs and business development for Aleutian Spray Fisheries. One of Aleutian Spray's vessels, the factory trawler Starbound, is a member of the At-sea Processors Association. Aleutian Spray also has other boats including freezer longliners, which broadens industry support for Cross.
The "A80 fleet" mentioned in the email refers to flatfish trawlers, known as the Amendment 80 fleet, that Swanson represents. This is a relatively narrow segment of the Alaska industry.
Evidently, the Swanson camp likewise is campaigning very hard to reel in the council seat.
A similar competition is developing over an Alaska seat now held by Dan Hull, an Anchorage resident who fishes commercially for halibut and salmon out of Cordova.
Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell in March nominated Hull for a new term on the council.
But Hull supporters are concerned that the Commerce Department might reject Hull and instead choose another, lower name on Parnell's list. That would be Tim Evers of Ninilchik, a longtime boat charter operator.
That's disconcerting to commercial interests who don't want to see more sportfish representation on the council.
Deckboss acquired this recent action alert exhorting Hull supporters to put in a good word for him:
SITUATION. Gov Parnell has nominated Dan Hull (Longliner and gillnetter) and Ed Dersham (Sport) for reappointment to the NPFMC. The Secretary of Commence will make a decision soon and will announce appointments by the end of June.
We understand that there is an effort underway to get the Secretary to appoint a retired charter operator to replace Dan Hull on the council. This would give the charter sector two of eleven voting seats on the Council, which is out of proportion to the single charter issue before the council — halibut charter allocation.
ACTION. If you see Senator Begich, Senator Murkowski, or Congressman Young in Alaska over the Memorial Day recess, please make these points. Senator Begich will be in Petersburg Sunday (May 27).
By June 2, please send a short message via email to the Secretary of Commerce and copy the NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco and the Congressional Delegation (email below). Personalizing the message will make it stronger.
Crew rescued, but tender is in tough spot

Big job available
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is looking for a new executive director to replace Ray Riutta, who is retiring after nearly 10 years in the position.
I feel fat and it's raining.
Actually, I DO feel fat and it IS raining but I am in a good mood anyway. I am hungover as hell though. Thankfully have very little to do today. But i have shit ons to do before I leave for the summer! Finally going to be hot as hell out this week and I intend to make the most of it..since i will be gone for most of July and much of August too i need to cram in my fix of NYC summer craziness all into June. When it's nice I intend to spend any time I have free outside in the park, the beach or running around town. I love summer here..can't wait til it's like 90 degrees and everyone is freaking out..
AnyDooDoo, here are some incredible pictures i took. You had no idea I was this taleneted did you?
My camera is's called iPhone. We have the most hideously awesome bass..the huge line that is outside the Big Gay Icecream shop every weekend..they opended up a goldmine there with that place..I bet some others pop up around the city soon.
Then some words of wisdom in a pay phone booth..a pic of how mature I am since I am now 40..and a cat and cat litter cake. Yup, that's a cake!
Everything is going well and I am tying up all loose ends early before this trip...seeling cloths i don't want at beacon's for summer stuff..playing some gigs..bought green contact lenses too..things are pretty damn good. Would like some extra BG work but no calls as of yet..ah well, I guess i will just keep on having fun while broke..which includes drinking vodka, eating sushi and having awesome sex. If I had more money I would do all these things but like three times a day.
Early reds stay hot at Copper River
Gillnetters caught another 219,000 red, or sockeye, salmon at the Copper River on Monday.
That brings the cumulative harvest for the season's first two openers to an estimated 374,000 reds, nearly triple the anticipated catch.
More details here from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
That brings the cumulative harvest for the season's first two openers to an estimated 374,000 reds, nearly triple the anticipated catch.
More details here from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Coast Guard medevacs longliner crewman
A Coast Guard helicopter today safely hoisted an ailing crewman off the longliner Polaris.
The 76-foot vessel was located 23 miles northwest of Chirikof Island in the Gulf of Alaska.
The crewman, 57, reportedly was suffering from abdominal pain, the Coast Guard said.
The 76-foot vessel was located 23 miles northwest of Chirikof Island in the Gulf of Alaska.
The crewman, 57, reportedly was suffering from abdominal pain, the Coast Guard said.
Lawsuit filed over clam digger deaths
A federal lawsuit has been filed against Frank Dulcich, president of West Coast processing giant Pacific Seafood Group, in connection with the deaths of five contract clam diggers in Alaska.
The five died after their 22-foot aluminum skiff went down in Cook Inlet on May 17, 2011.
The five died after their 22-foot aluminum skiff went down in Cook Inlet on May 17, 2011.
A third of Togiak herring quota taken
The Togiak sac roe herring fishery appears to be coming along swimmingly.
Purse seiners have taken 6,380 tons thus far and gillnetters have taken 735 tons, for a grand total of 7,115 tons.
That's about 33 percent of the preseason quota of 21,622 tons.
More details here from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Purse seiners have taken 6,380 tons thus far and gillnetters have taken 735 tons, for a grand total of 7,115 tons.
That's about 33 percent of the preseason quota of 21,622 tons.
More details here from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Breakfast in Livermore
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Heading Towards Leeds |
We had a really first rate ride along the Sheepscot River last Saturday. Leanne put together a great route, taking us over some challenging terrain and some beautiful roads that I, for one, had never ridden down before. The weather could not have been nicer. It felt like the first ride of summer - definitely the first ride to break out the sunscreen - and we had a great group. The ride had just about everything: we had sunshine, blue skies, art, country stores, metal sculpture, dams, alwives, llamas, prosperous dairy farms, and Cow Shit Corner (with everything, you get everything). Our thanks again to Leanne for leading a great ride. This Saturday, kick off your Memorial Day weekend with an adventure from Livermore to Leeds, as well as a great run along the Chesterville Esker. Come early, and we'll have breakfast!
Saturday, May 26th - LIVERMORE
"Single Chainring Tour" - an exploration of the flatlands from Livermore to Leeds, through Fayette to the Chesterville Esker.
START: 8:30 AM at the Lunch Pad Restaurant (7:30 am if you want to join us for breakfast) at the junction of Rt.17 and Rt. 133 (Park Street) in Livermore, where Rt. 17 N comes into a "T" intersection just before downtown Livermore Falls. Park in the Footware parking lot next to the diner.
DISTANCE: about 25 miles.
TERRAIN: mostly moderate with no big hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: Breakfast, beautiful roads and a nice flat run along the scenic Chesterville Esker.
LEADER: Jim Merrick.
Reds carry opening day at the Copper River
Thursday's season opener at the Copper River produced an estimated catch of 155,000 sockeye salmon and 1,100 Chinook, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game reports.
"This compares to an anticipated harvest of 32,000 sockeye and 2,100 Chinook salmon for this period," the department says.
Deckboss hasn't heard a thing about prices. Anybody?
The Copper River District will open at 7 a.m. Monday for another 12-hour period.
"This compares to an anticipated harvest of 32,000 sockeye and 2,100 Chinook salmon for this period," the department says.
Deckboss hasn't heard a thing about prices. Anybody?
The Copper River District will open at 7 a.m. Monday for another 12-hour period.
We're dumping the MSC — really!
Deckboss just received this open letter from Alaska salmon processors "reaffirming" their intent to withdraw from the Marine Stewardship Council certification program.
The 27 processors signing onto the statement say they represent 80 percent of the salmon caught in Alaska.
The 27 processors signing onto the statement say they represent 80 percent of the salmon caught in Alaska.
Death reported aboard Icicle processor
Here's a press release from the Alaska State Troopers:
Location: Togiak
Type: Death investigation
On 5/17/12 at approximately 0500 hours, AST received a report of a death on the F/V Gordon Jensen, a fish processor anchored about 10 miles south of Togiak. AST investigation determined Stanley E. Allison Jr., 43, of Washington, was working as a deckhand on the vessel when he collapsed at about 0330 hours. Efforts to resuscitate Allison at the scene were unsuccessful. Allison was flown to the Kanakanak Hospital in Dillingham. A state trooper based in Dillingham was flown to the fishing vessel for additional investigation. Foul play is not suspected, however, an autopsy was requested to determine cause of death. Next of kin have been notified.
The 310-foot Gordon Jensen belongs to Seattle-based Icicle Seafoods Inc. The vessel presumably was in Togiak for the herring fishery that opened Monday.
Location: Togiak
Type: Death investigation
On 5/17/12 at approximately 0500 hours, AST received a report of a death on the F/V Gordon Jensen, a fish processor anchored about 10 miles south of Togiak. AST investigation determined Stanley E. Allison Jr., 43, of Washington, was working as a deckhand on the vessel when he collapsed at about 0330 hours. Efforts to resuscitate Allison at the scene were unsuccessful. Allison was flown to the Kanakanak Hospital in Dillingham. A state trooper based in Dillingham was flown to the fishing vessel for additional investigation. Foul play is not suspected, however, an autopsy was requested to determine cause of death. Next of kin have been notified.
The 310-foot Gordon Jensen belongs to Seattle-based Icicle Seafoods Inc. The vessel presumably was in Togiak for the herring fishery that opened Monday.
EPA says big mining could hurt Bristol Bay salmon
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today issued a draft assessment of the Bristol Bay watershed, and whether large-scale mining could harm its famed salmon runs.
The assessment was done in response to the clamor over the proposed Pebble copper and gold mine, although the EPA says it didn't focus in-depth on any specific project.
Bottom line is, the EPA report "concludes that there is potential for certain activities associated with large-scale mining to have adverse impacts on the productivity and sustainability of the salmon fishery in the watershed."
The EPA stops far short, however, of declaring that major mining projects in the Bristol Bay watershed should be forbidden right here and now.
Find the full assessment report here. And here's an EPA press release.
The assessment was done in response to the clamor over the proposed Pebble copper and gold mine, although the EPA says it didn't focus in-depth on any specific project.
Bottom line is, the EPA report "concludes that there is potential for certain activities associated with large-scale mining to have adverse impacts on the productivity and sustainability of the salmon fishery in the watershed."
The EPA stops far short, however, of declaring that major mining projects in the Bristol Bay watershed should be forbidden right here and now.
Find the full assessment report here. And here's an EPA press release.
Well, birthday was fun and now done! Man, I got so many nice calls and texts and emails and loads of gifts. One didn't come yet..violet contact lenses. Brown eyes are so boring. Now mine shall be purple. Which will make me look either lovely or completely psychotic. Either way it's cool. Inside tonight from crazy drunken fun last night til like 5am...I can't stay indoors at all when it's this nice out. I need to be hungover to stay in. Or get stabbed with a number 2 pencil. Or get bitten by a sloth like creature. Then i will concede defeat and stay in. Have a gig this Saturday as part of the Three day Brooklyn Folk Fest. Should be fun. And another gig at Jalopy next saturday. Then the Crumbs are coming to NYC and that means my life is really kinda nutty for a bit..Aline is my shopping sister and is an energetic ball of fun..and Robert..well just walking down the street with him is an adventure. I am ever surprised by the amount of people who recognize him and freak out. I think I walk by A list celebs every day and don't notice them..except Vincent Gallo who looks like a serial killer.
AnyCrisps, things are very good good and good. Hanging out with awesome friends and just having a good time lately with no drama-rama or negative crazies or crap in my life. Well, the normal amount is allowable but lately things are just crazy fun and mellow and just all around swell. Looking to be an awesome summer.
Here are some pics of just stuff. Stuff I saw. Stuff I liked. Stuff I took a photo of because I found it amusing. Just..stuff. Yeah. Crazy dumb cat who won't let me watch TV..a lost I warned you. Stuff. And my parents know what "empties" are. FTW!
AnyCrisps, things are very good good and good. Hanging out with awesome friends and just having a good time lately with no drama-rama or negative crazies or crap in my life. Well, the normal amount is allowable but lately things are just crazy fun and mellow and just all around swell. Looking to be an awesome summer.
Here are some pics of just stuff. Stuff I saw. Stuff I liked. Stuff I took a photo of because I found it amusing. Just..stuff. Yeah. Crazy dumb cat who won't let me watch TV..a lost I warned you. Stuff. And my parents know what "empties" are. FTW!
Iceland or Bust!
You may have heard...
you may not have heard...
This year HUE 2012 is taking it's maiden voyage
to the mystic & enchanting land of Iceland.
The country, full of rich culture,
sits mysteriously alone in a private world of breathtaking beauty.
With the help of trained guides & experienced drivers,
we will be traveling into the heart
of one of the world's most unique cultures,
exploring it's rugged terrains to discover some of the most beautiful places on earth,
and embarking on an adventure to sites few people in the world ever see.
Interested in joining in the groundbreaking expedition to Iceland?
Contact Harding's International Programs office
for a last-minute spot
on the trip of a lifetime.
*images via
Salmon time!
The Copper River fishery opens at 7 a.m. today for a 12-hour period, signifying what many will regard as the official start of a new Alaska salmon season.
Of course, gillnetters and trollers started stalking Chinook salmon at the Stikine and Taku rivers in Southeast on May 7.
But for Copper River connoisseurs, that doesn't count, right?
Anyway, Deckboss wishes the Copper River fleet a safe day and good fishing.
More hatchery news
The Department of Fish and Game is considering whether to issue a permit for a new Southeast Alaska hatchery to produce Chinook and coho salmon.
Deckboss confesses this is the first he's heard of the proposed Baranof Warm Springs Hatchery on Baranof Island.
A lot of background information appears to be available here.
Deckboss confesses this is the first he's heard of the proposed Baranof Warm Springs Hatchery on Baranof Island.
A lot of background information appears to be available here.
Couldn't Be Finah in China
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Ride Start in East Vassalboro at the Historical Society |
We had fine weather and a fine crowd at the Start of last Saturday's ride in East Vassalboro. It was a bit cool, but sunny and dry, and we had about 20 riders, young and not-so-young, many in training for the Trek Across Maine. It was great to have everyone out and it made for a really fun day.

Jeanine, our intrepid ride leader, handed out maps and led us out on a loop around China Lake. Traffic was light and the group started to stretch out along the back roads to enjoy the morning's scenery.
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Stopping for History at an Old Cemetery in China |
We took a side trip down a dead-end road to view a "surprise" - an historic cemetery with a carefully marked grave of a former slave, buried alongside his former masters. China was once a Quaker town where former slaves could find refuge, both in the Underground Railroad and in free black settlements along one of the high ridges on the outskirts of town.

Back on the road, we circled the north end of the lake and headed back down Lakeview Drive (Rt.202). Here traffic picked up a bit, but we took advantage of the wide shoulder and the long, flat stretches of good pavement to head down to South China Village.
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Considering Destinations Near and Far |
Hope you can join us next Saturday, May 19th, in Windsor, where we'll view things you can't see anywhere else, no matter how far you travel. Our thanks to Jeanine for a great ride in China (now that was no surprise!).
Flying fish redux
Remember a few years back when Alaska Airlines painted a jet as a giant Alaska Chinook salmon?
Well, the Seattle-based carrier and the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute have teamed up to do it again.
Personnel file
Looks like we've got a significant vacancy down in Petersburg.
The Petersburg Vessel Owners Association has released this job posting:
Petersburg Vessel Owners Association is seeking an Executive Director for a multi-gear multi-species commercial fishing advocacy group. Duties include: representing PVOA at various fisheries management forums, boards, and committees; informing the board and the membership of current issues; maintaining and building membership; and administrative work. Knowledge of the fishing industry is preferred. Position is considered part-time with significant travel expected and salary averages $35,000 per year based on experience.
The outgoing executive director, Julianne Curry, tells Deckboss: "I haven't decided what I'm doing next!"
The Petersburg Vessel Owners Association has released this job posting:
Petersburg Vessel Owners Association is seeking an Executive Director for a multi-gear multi-species commercial fishing advocacy group. Duties include: representing PVOA at various fisheries management forums, boards, and committees; informing the board and the membership of current issues; maintaining and building membership; and administrative work. Knowledge of the fishing industry is preferred. Position is considered part-time with significant travel expected and salary averages $35,000 per year based on experience.
The outgoing executive director, Julianne Curry, tells Deckboss: "I haven't decided what I'm doing next!"
Healthy, and safe under the ice
As we've reported recently, fishermen are having a hard time catching this season's Bering Sea snow crab quota. But that's because of interference from sea ice, not a lack of crabs.
Yesterday, the National Marine Fisheries Service declared the snow crab stock officially "rebuilt" from its crash in 1999. That's according to the agency's annual Status of U.S. Fisheries report to Congress.
Here's what NMFS had to say about snow crab:
The important role stock assessments and sustainably managed fisheries play in the U.S. economy is demonstrated by the recent rebuilding of the Bering Sea snow crab fishery. In 1999, scientists found that snow crab stock was overfished. In response, managers cut harvests for the following fishing seasons to a level that would allow the stock to recover. Under conservative harvest levels, Alaska snow crab has rebounded and is now above its target population level. This is good news for the resource and for fishermen, too. An abundant resource can sustainably support higher harvests, and managers boosted the harvest limit for 2011/2012 by 64 percent. This increase in harvest of Bering Sea snow crab is anticipated to have a multi-million dollar benefit to the U.S. economy, fishermen, and the seafood industries that depend on this resource.
Yesterday, the National Marine Fisheries Service declared the snow crab stock officially "rebuilt" from its crash in 1999. That's according to the agency's annual Status of U.S. Fisheries report to Congress.
Here's what NMFS had to say about snow crab:
The important role stock assessments and sustainably managed fisheries play in the U.S. economy is demonstrated by the recent rebuilding of the Bering Sea snow crab fishery. In 1999, scientists found that snow crab stock was overfished. In response, managers cut harvests for the following fishing seasons to a level that would allow the stock to recover. Under conservative harvest levels, Alaska snow crab has rebounded and is now above its target population level. This is good news for the resource and for fishermen, too. An abundant resource can sustainably support higher harvests, and managers boosted the harvest limit for 2011/2012 by 64 percent. This increase in harvest of Bering Sea snow crab is anticipated to have a multi-million dollar benefit to the U.S. economy, fishermen, and the seafood industries that depend on this resource.
It's on at Togiak!
The state's biggest sac roe herring fishery is now under way near the Bristol Bay village of Togiak.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game gave the green light to seiners and gillnetters effective at 6 p.m.
The forecast is for a potential harvest of 21,622 tons. The industry took 22,699 tons last year.
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