Cruising Down Memorial Drive |
We had a great ride from East Winthrop on June 2nd. The predicted rains, aside from a few sprinkles, held off and we were able to get the entire ride in without getting wet. Denise has organized a popular ride from Tom's Bike Boutique, so she had a fine turn-out despite the forecast. The delicious home-made molasses cookies after the ride didn't hurt either.

Heading Out of Monmouth |
For most of the ride, we stuck together as a group, expecting the rains to fall. As luck would have it, we wound up with good company and dry pavement. |
Regrouping at the Crossroads |
Heading into the Hills and the Return on Rt. 135 |
The return route added some challenging hills, but we were beginning to think we were actually going to beat the rain. Feeling ambitious, Denise took us back around on the shore of Lake Maranacook a second time for good measure. |
One of the Great Roads Between the Lakes |
Our thanks to Denise for another great ride (and the cookies!).
Hope you can join us this Saturday, June 16, at Kents Hill for the next Kennebec Valley Bicycle Club ride!