Some HaHaHilarious Internet memes!

Here are some HILARIOUS pics that are for facebook or what have you..some of my faves. So silly yet so wonderful! Trying to blog a lot and clean up what is on my desktop before I leave..4 days now!

Banksy movie is playing in the park tonight but I have seen in already..very good. Layer upon layer of fakery. I love Banksy.

Been packing and cleaning up my place every day and also running around in the heat having fun. July 4th was awesome..went from a crazy roof BBQ to a few bars to the Upper West Side somehow..Ah, I will miss NYC and some people like crazy but I expect to have a great many people coming to visit us too...going to be great! So far, France, Spain, Dublin and the UK are on my list..I have a cousin in Amsterdam too I can go see..So excited!

My poor mexican toothless cat will be in shock when I leave for so long..but maybe he will take a liking to my pal who will be living here for two months..She is the same height as me so that has to mean something!