Gimme Gimme shuts its doors for good tomorrow.

Been super crazy busy and also crazy as well as busy along with being busy with craziness and crazy because I am busy and etc  etc and so on and so forth!

Lots of blogs coming soon..lots of stuff going on this week and that my self imposed exile from gum surgery is over..harrah and hurray!

East River String Band is playing at Gaslight-116 Mcdougal this monday at 11pm..lots of music history in that space..

But this post is for the official and forever and ever no going back closing of the record store I work at Gimme Gimme at 325 east 5th st...between 1st and 2nd ave..18 years in that spot and we close tomorrow for good. Store will reopen but in L.A...probably by next month.

Thanks to Croman Realty and their insane rent hike..another east village staple will be gone.

So come by tomorrow and you can buy stuff and also say bye for good..