I'm on my way to Starbucks at Holland Village to do my freelance work, but I'll write something tonight. :)
Wish me luck!
Prior to engaging in the practice of peddling or soliciting at private residences, all persons must first obtain a copy of the list of residents who desire no peddling or soliciting at their private residence. Any peddler or solicitor who contacts any owner or owners, occupant or occupants of said private residences who are on the list, shall be in violation of this section.After contacting the newspaper and the authorities I quickly found out what the punishment is for violating the ordinance. Section 1-9 claims:
...a person convicted of a violation of this Code shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00, or double such sum for each repetition thereof...There is no punishment for a violation. Not even a slap on the wrist. What I did get was an obnoxious phone call from someone at the Morning News who advised me it is their "constitutional right" to send Guido out to peddle their rag door to door regardless of any list the city clerk keeps. The man told me they partner with the city and the police department and the police are sick of people calling them about this! Besides, he said people move a lot and the new residents probably don't want to be on the no knock list.
Here are some random pics..Someone at Jalopy Theater really likes Tom Waits I guess..I find him annoying really. Being into old timey music everyone assumes you love Tom Waits and Old Crow Medicine Show..Well I DON'T love them. At all! Only 1 or 2 Waits songs can I stomach..the only modern musician I honestly will go pay money to see is Aimee Mann which I do whenever she plays in NYC. Unless it's that christmas album she put out which I pretend does not exist!
Then a searched bathroom at the health clinic..what the hell does that mean? And some slabs of meat displayed at a deli with lovely words written on them with ketchup..Peta should be out there..that shit looked gross and the ketchup looked kinda like blood dripping..Plus, the guys working in there thought I was taking THEIR picture and kept hooting and hollering at me. Yes, hooting AND hollering both! I guess I had it going on that day..
Then the dump bucket..the Prik with crazy sauce..and last but not least the cutest rat ever! He was as big as my dumb mexican cat Delgado and was practically making love to the camera..show off that he was..I named him Moishe cause he looked Jewish..He had no fear of me whatsoever and I'm not freaked out by rats so we hung out for a while. He's a gemini who enjoys long walks on the beach and eating shit from the trash!
I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look like my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?
Here's some pics of my friend Patrick Bucklew AKA Mangina whom I adore. He performs with his girl Lauren and later they howl and play keyboard as the moon slowly disappeared. He also had on one HUGE mangina that he made..and asked people to stick their finger in it..That thing could eat someone alive if it had teeth! Later I went to Mars Bar where everyone predicted a huge fatal tidal wave and I kept announcing we were all going to die..But I was in a good mood and was really happy about dying at Mars Bar with friends for some reason..Now I'm just hungover and watching Dexter and am quite glad we all survived.
The scarves are hand painted by her friend Wendy who will be selling her wares there as well..and also has stuff for sale HERE...so come by Bowery and support the Anti-Slam and Craftermath or you will get lost in Kmart in the diaper ad cat litter aisle for all of eternity!
Anybleep, I want to have a contest concerning which rat is the LARGEST and MOST AWESOME rat in NYC. I have one photo so far of a really fucking huge rat I took last night..That thing was practically as big as my dumb cat Delgado and had completely no fear of me. I was just standing right next to it taking its photo..It seemed quite flattered actually and was almost posing. Show off. I will post the rat pic as soon as I find a few more to compete with it. Feel free to send me pics of huge rats-I will post them on here.
Here is a link to East River playing live on WFMU..just click on the Dec 14th mp3 or the pop-up link. They took some video which will be in the archives soon I think.
We shall see..I went to college to learn how to write and I have this blog-that's about it. But I love this damn blog. So cathartic. I don't even care if anyone reads it.
Anyhooch, these are some fun photos! First, there is Moby playing keyboard while a cute chihuahua dances along..I love Moby's new band Diamondsnake. Their videos on youtube are hysterical. Plus, he's a super nice guy. And he likes old music. The Mangina joins in there whom I love. He is a great painter and will be doing a pet portrait of Delgado soon. He charges not very much for what you get in return.. and is very talented..Check out Patrick Bucklew on Facebook to see his work.
Then we have some pics of the tile wall from the Society of Illustrator's museum that's uptown. That place is pretty cool..and I love these painted tiles. The pics don't capture how grand they are in person. My band will be playing March 26th there I think..for a big Crumb gallery opening..we may have possible VERY special guests sitting in with us. Have to see about that in the next few months..
Then to top it off..some Mars Bar art..painted torsos on the wall. I will be documenting a lot of Mars fun stuff as they get closer to their demise..Life ain't fair I tells ya!
Antique Phonograph Music Program with
Michael "
Cumella onWFMU
broadcasting at 91.1 fm in New York, at 90.1 fm in the Hudson Valley from 8PM - 9PM.
Anyway..I gotta cold but it's going away..I've been drinking tea past few days but will have some new blogs coming this week..And I have some Mars Bar time to make up for since i've not been a boozehound the past week..
Anyfelch, here are some videos of some amazing buckdancing at Jalopy Theater from last week..Thomas Maupin is 72 years old! The film about him, "Let Your Feet do the Talkin'" is really good..It's put out by Dust to Digital. The very talented Matt Kinman plays for them..
Here is the link to today's, December 7th article about Baby, How Can it Be? and our upcoming CD Be Kind to a Man When He's Down.
Included are a few videos from the show..I missed a lot of the good stuff..the swimsuit competition, etc..it got really smoky up there and beer was all over the place..I didn't want my camera to get ruined so I put it away. Unlike the men with their junk hanging out! Moonshine took first place..his third time winning the crown I believe..