Article in WSJ
East River String Band mentioned in yesterday's Wall St. Journal
Random artworks and Bowery Poetry Club Open Mic

Alrighty then..Holy Crap it's cold outside! Why does winter have to be cold? I call bullshit! I did get a fake Snuggie™ for the holidays..Sam the Snuggie-he's awesome!..Anyways, We have here a bit of Graffiti above the Mars Bar toilets warning people of possible dangers that may be lurking in there..We have some weird geisha girl mural where the guy has TWO, not just ONE lady to pleasure him..This mural is not at Mars though..Didn't Obama promise this to everyone if he got elected? Where's my two girls? I want to play travel scrabble with them!
Then, I have been enjoying the Open Mic at The Bowery Poetry Club monday nights..Performers range from singer/songwriter type stuff, to stand-up comedy, to well..uh..kinda crazy people who just get up on stage and use their 6 minutes to kinda go nuts. Here, I recorded(rather dark and blurry though) my favorite..I forget his name but every monday sometime between 10pm-midnight he dances around to some cheesy song. I think I love him. Come check out the open mic at Bowery Poetry..only 3 bucks to get in and it's really fun and funny..Rob Shapiro and Touching You are regulars if that's an incentive to come..both are pretty funny.
Here's a link to Bowery Poetry Club
And they even have a live streaming camera so you can check it out at home on your computer if you are one of those people who hasn't gone outside in like 10 years..
The camera goes on when the show begins and the open mic starts at ten..and before the Open Mic is Drag Bingo. What more can you ask for?
Webb Loves the Land of Sunshine
July 2006 it was off to Palm Beach
Miami Beach in March 2007
The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach - July 2008
Does the CEO collect a fat cat salary in addition to receiving volunteer commissions everyone is talking about? Or is it possible he was actually trying to bring new business to Springdale from the sandy shores of the coast?
The Smiths

Who's Cable Bill is the Chamber Paying?
Out of the blue, in January 2008 we see a sudden increase to $151.95.
Of interest are the two separate account numbers written in at the top of the check (we've partially blocked to protect the "innocent") in addition to Perry Webb's name written in the corner.
'I think you know when you feel it.'

I love her smile. I love her hair. I love her knees. I love this heart-shaped birthmark she has on her neck. I love the way she sometimes licks her lips before she talks. I love the sound of her laugh. I love the look when she's sleeping.
I love how I hear this song every time I think of her. I love how she makes me feel. "
My Bologna Has a First Name...
23, and blessed.
So, how's it going, folks? I'm really having a good time this weekend, spending the holiday with my family, and of course, enjoying the long weekend without work!
I probably haven't blogged about my birthday, which was pretty low-key if you ask me. I'm never big on birthdays, and there's a reason why I never really feel like throwing a party every year to celebrate the fact that I'm still blessed with another year on this earth. (So morbid!) But yeah, during high school, when most of my friends held their birthday parties in hotels and extravagant restaurants, I simply had a simple get-together with close friends. Last year, my friends paid a surprise visit to my room on the midnight of my birthday when I was already in bed, wearing embarrassing clothes with my hair sticking out in every direction. That's how much I really made effort for my own birthday.
This year was no difference. I woke up feeling ever the same; got ready for work and got an early birthday hugs and wishes from my sisters and cousin at home. My dad left me a present too, which was, a book on 'success'. Ah, bless him. But I went to work really early, and I felt strangely at ease and relieved that no one in the office would know what day it was.
But I was in for a surprise, because they did know. They got me, I didn't see it coming at all. We celebrated it with a cake, and despite me not liking surprises, I was really touched and pleased. Here they were, people I just got to know, and they made an effort for me. I am utterly grateful.
At night, we had another cake that my sister bought. It was a chocolate log cake, and we had a little celebration and took pictures, and once again I felt blessed for these people. Wishes from family and friends were good enough, I didn't need much else. I was happy, and appropriately so.
The fact that I am now 23 doesn't make much difference, aside from the realization that I'm not a child anymore and I should take things more seriously. But all in all, I am happy with my life, and with the people that are still in it. Thank you everyone, who has made me feel special and let that known.
Anyway, I should post some pictures from the occasion, but my cousin hasn't uploaded them to computer, so I'll do that soon. Well, I guess, I wanna say, that I may not be big on birthdays, but it's utterly nice to know that some people would go through troubles just to remind me that I should be; that maybe, it is something worth celebrating.
- Paulo Coelho.

December 25

Merry Christmas, everyone! Happy holidays! I may not celebrate today with extravagant parties, but I have with me everyone I love, and those who love me unconditionally, and that's what matters. I hope all of you are having a blessed day with your loved ones too.
Let us count our blessings and be grateful for everything we've had until today.
The Mystery Deepens
We have uncovered another mysterious check that defies this basic rule of Accounting 101. This one was written for an employee's relocation. Whatever that means.
We never received any explanation, let alone a logical one for the other check we found that didn't follow the two signature rule.
2009 New Year's Resolution Conclusion
I will try not to worry and think too much about everything in life. I tend to over-analyze and get paranoid over the small stuffs, so I really need to learn not to sweat over the tiny bit of details, and just enjoy the ride.
I'd like to think that I've gotten better at this. At least, I knew when I was freaking out, and I just tried to calm myself up. This year has been particularly tough on me, and it's easy to just feel useless over the situation. I learnt it the hard way, and I think if you follow my blog, you would realize how much I've complained about this. At the same time, I tried to remain positive and not lose hope. And I think I'm in a much better place right now, and I intend to keep it that way. I'm grateful for the lesson, because it has reminded me to be a much more patient person. "Good things come to those who wait." Remember that.
But not thinking too much doesn't mean not thinking at all, because I'm whole-heartedly aware that I have made many mistakes in the past due to the fact that I simply did not think before I acted. People have been telling me that I possess absolutely zero sense of danger, and that's how I lost my brain sometimes. (e.g: drink too much beyond my capability, unable to say 'no', receive drinks from strangers, and et-cetera et-cetera) So, I should be more careful and take these things more seriously!
I have definitely learned to take care of myself, instead of depend on others to do so. I've gotten more serious and tentative, skeptic at times. In some circumstances, being skeptic isn't always a bad thing.
I will not drunk-dial my ex-boyfriend again, well, I guess that one is pretty personal, no explanation needed. Ha! At least I got one point right! Nah, I think I'm ready to let it go.
It's definitely accomplished. I haven't talked to him in ages, much less drunk-dialled the guy. It's also a very good sign, because one, I'm over it, and two, I'm not making a bigger fool out of myself.
I will not drink tequila again, simply because there has been too many drunken episodes caused by this little bugger, and it doesn't even taste good! Unlike Jargerbomb, which I'm totally hooked these days! (Although you probably don't need to know that!)
I will not have alcohol offered by a guy before going out, no matter how cute he is. Back in Oklahoma, I went out with this guy, and the context wasn't even a date, because I brought along another friend. He was picking us up at our room and I thought once he arrived, we could just go out straightaway, but he told me he wanted to come in first, so he did, and he pulled out a bottle of whisky from his pocket and we ended up finishing the whole bottle before even heading out! Bad, bad, bad guy! Stupid, stupid, stupid me! Couldn't really blame the guy entirely 'cos I played along. (see what I mean about being stupid and not thinking before acting?)
*Chuckle* Well, I do drink tequila still, on certain occasions. (Maybe it's not a good idea to swear off something before you really mean it) Drinking with caution is not a bad thing, is it?
I will find a fulfilling, permanent job! And the point here is fulfilling because I don't want just any jobs. Granted I may not get exactly my dream job straightaway, 'international correspondent', just because it's way too ambitious, (I'm a dreamer but even dreamer has to go back to reality sometimes) I shall seek and explore any other opportunities. Speaking of job, I have just finished my resume...I think! Clap!
Well.. That is covered, for now.
I will be a better friend because friendship means a tad lot to me, and I'm happy I made a lot of new friends last year, but as important is to keep the old ones. And I intend to do just that.
Who knew I was gonna find a really great friend at the start of the year? I'm really thankful for all the friends I have, those who stay, and those who invest in this friendship for as much as I do. They are the best.
I will spend more time with my family. During the course of the past few years, I just realized (it just hit me), that family sticks together no matter what. In fact, they probably are the only ones who won't ever leave. Well, I hope it's not only because of obligation. I have great family, everytime I come back home, I'm constantly reminded of that simple but most of times, taken-for-granted fact. For the resolution, though, I'm starting something simple; spending time with my sisters. Meli is coming to Singapore for her undergraduate study and I definitely want lots of bonding time...even if it's over a game in playstation, knowing her.
Yes. I think I've accomplished that too. My little sister is already here too, and now we spend as much time together as we can, during weekends especially. I'm really glad I have the most amazing sisters!
I will not get too drunk and pass out. Oh my god, so many memories come flooding back. No more any of that! No more throwing up and passing out in public. No more waking up and going like 'what the hell happened?' No more dialling up my friends for vivid details of the events leading to my unconscious state. No more being so embarrassed of seeing people who have witnessed more things than they have bargained for in the eyes. A lot more things. Dammit.
I will maintain my weight. 48 kg, no more, no less. Well, it probably could go down a little bit seeing how chubby I am, but definitely not more. This arm, right here, has got to go, though.
Okay, this one is a big failure. Not only have I been gaining weight, I'm also ballooning at an uncontrollable rate at the moment. There's no stopping it!
I will not have anything to do with the boy from the seventh floor anymore, simply because I don't want anything out from it, so what's the point? Out of impulse these days I always look up and check on his window to see if his lights are on, and that freaks me out; the fact that I appear to be a little on the stalker-side. And everytime I go down on the lift, I'm anxious that I may bump into him, it's just too weird.
What boy again???
I will read more books and watch more movies.
This is a definite yes. Books and movies are what keep me sane. Can't get enough of 'em.
I will buy myself a new phone, and this has really got to happen. My current phone is ancient, ugly, and friends complain that they often can't reach me, that somehow by miraculous reasons they go straight to mail box. It's time to change this thing I call my handphone, baby.
Yes! I've changed my phone to LG Secret which I have had since probably March. Absolutely loving it and so far it's been treating me good. No more complaints about not being able to reach me. Mission accomplished.
Lastly, I will involve myself in more positive activities, meet more people and not limit my preferences.
Ummm... Well, I am working, so that's definitely a positive activity, right?
Yes, yes, I need more challenging goals for next year!
Blah Blah Blah
Chairperson Blake Hanby signed the letter and stated an investigation was conducted and he was pleased and proud to announce no misconduct or wrongdoing on the part of the Chamber or its staff.
Ray slashes prices on weird cell phone pics..

Vell, vell , vell..what to write..what to write? I got a pic of this guy spare changing with an interesting sign..Then this is a can of cat food from Sweden..Har!
I visited Ray today and tried to show him how to use Itunes..He cut the price of his Belgian "Obama" waffles to $2.00..Don't know if it was the right thing to do..but his business is slow...PLEASE go there and support Ray's Candy Store..If he closes Avenue A will have lost an icon..
Then, I just thought I would put up a photo of Chris Elliot from Get a Life trying to kill me..Just because I am really proud that Chris Elliot strangled me.
Kinda can't wait until xmas is over..not so much because I'm a jew..but I am really sick of xmas music and the whole bullshit holiday..Ah, whatever. I feel bad for the people selling's sooo cold this week and no one seems to be buying much from them.
Bowery Poetry Club Open Mic

Last night I ended up at The Bowery Poetry Club for their open mic night..I used to go to the one at the St. Marks Underground theatre thingy but it shut down..this one is basically all the same people..I had a fun time heckling and took a lot of pics..and got pretty drunk. Yup. First, we have Rob Shapiro who was pretty funny..He has a kinda well known twin brother Rick who does comedy as well. Wasn't there like some Gallagher scandal where Gallagher's brother took over and they didn't tell anyone or something? Twins are weird-they freak me out. Like doublemint gum.
Then the host..Victor I think? (who was very funny..had a contest where you put the weirdest thing you can text a girl who he had gone on a date with a few days before in a hat and he would read them aloud and choose a winner and text the weird message to her..The winners got to chug-a-lug some beer..My entry was something along the lines of, "Had a great time with your vag last night..I'm gonna say those 3 small words you've been dying to hear..FULL BLOWN AIDS!" I didn't win but the bartender and performer Touching You liked my entry enough to keep chanting "Full Blown Aids" randomly..That was pretty neat.
I got a pic of Victor hosting, one of some weird shit on the walls, the chug-a-lug contest, my friend Ilya with a VERY strange guy who later sang "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer..This was the fault of awesome sound guy Ed, my friend who encouraged me to attend the open mic.
I got some pics of Touching You singing his hit song, "Subjugate your Tits" while he sat on the bar and everyone threw stuff at him. That was pretty cool..Then I got the weird guy doing MC Hammer..and the No Sale register..
I had a fun time and will most likely return..Bowery Poetry Club..monday nights Open Mic at 10:00pm..Be there!
Meeting Minutes
One thing I found interesting right off the top is in the Board of Directors, 2nd Quarter 2009 minutes, Perry Webb states the Chamber "had $256,000 in sales" for the "I AM" campaign and "$206,000 of which was in cash".
I can't seem to uncover any information explaining what the "I AM" campaign even was. I'm sure someone out there can enlighten us.
In the meantime, I will continue going through bank deposits trying to find where this much cash was deposited. So far I haven't had any luck.
All In The Family
We have prepared a quick list of payments made to landscaping companies (there were two) and to Perry Webb's daughter (former Chamber employee) and son-in-law, owners of Showcase Lawns.
1. We do not know what address or addresses were being landscaped.
2. We do not know why the Chamber used more than one company.
3. We do not know why the checks were sometimes made out to the company and sometimes made out to the owners of the companies.
4. The Chamber's lawn has been referred to as the size of a postage stamp.
Unlikely discovery
I didn't go straight HA-HA-HA right there and then because hey, I'm new and I still like to keep my integrity intact as 'the new shy girl' for as long as I can, please! I was certainly laughing from the inside, though.
So I have my own desk in front because I guess I'm the media person slash guests-greeter. Yes, my lips are itching from all that smiling to everyone who passes my way. But anyway, at one point of the day I made a really interesting and surprising discovery. We had boxes and boxes of our published magazines here in the office, and as I was observing them, I saw a condom packet on top of one of the boxes.
I was surprised! I looked left and right but noone seemed to be paying any attention, so I quickly grabbed the packet and found that it was still fully sealed. THANK GOODNESS! But the obvious question was, hm, what was it even doing there?
Bearing in mind that we do get magazines and papers delivered everyday, it could be just, that thing somehow fell from the sky; eh I mean, from the whoever-delivery-guy's pocket. Or maybe it's merely a bonus sample from a magazine. There are lots of possibilities, come to think of it. Still, it didn't make my Durex' discovery any less comforting. Although, I did think it was really funny.
Anyway, the day proceeded on and I didn't pay any more attention to that said-packet. As the day grew to an end and I finally was packing up to leave, I somehow remembered this, and I glanced to the box to see the final destiny drawn for the lonely contraceptive device.
Imagine my dismay. The packet was no longer there! Somehow in the 4 hours that passed, someone has managed to snatch that thing away! Why, when, how, why, where?! Hmmm.
I guess that shall remain a mystery.
hijinks and shenanigans at Mars Bar..

Well, Mars Bar never lets me down in terms of craziness.from last night I have a way too dark video.of Poison Puss with another sideshow performer egging her on as she puts a sperm shaped balloon into her nostril and pulls it out of her mouth..She was dressed as a sexy santa and was calling herself Panty Claus last night..The we have a pic of Ali and I-the blonde bangs gang..Then some guy stood on the bar and preached about Mars Bar being the last real New York place left in the city..
Then there's the sideshow peeps hanging friend Ed with a tampon just chillin' in his friend Skeilera and I, Sheikera with her sexy Texas Chainsaw massacre shirt on..We share a love for horror films..
And now the bathrooms are labeled Boys and Girls in a way with some new graffiti painted on them..Plus, more words to live by..DON'T BE A HIPPIE!
And lastly a pic of Geoffrey(Jay) molesting the martian girl mural..
Party in Paris
The issue has been raised that this meeting might have been more responsible had it been held locally.
That would not only have done more to support local business, it would have cost much less and allowed for more citizen input by those who maybe couldn't afford to take an expensive trip to strategize about our town nearly three hours away.
More than $40,400.00 was spent by the Chamber of Commerce for just Mount Magazine Lodge and 9G Enterprises on this weekend getaway. We do not know how much members who attended paid for the trip (if anything).