Bold what applies to your dream boyfriend.
2. tall | short | same height as you
3. ears | eyebrow piercings | snake bites | no piercings | other
4. tattoos | no tattoos
5. skater | punk | player | indie | cowboy | musician | prep | jock | other
6. shy | outgoing | in between
7. mellow | hyper | loud | quiet
8. blue eyes | brown eyes | green eyes
9. wears tight jeans | wears normal jeans | other
10. converse | vans | nikes | skate shoes | other
11. listens to: metal | rap | indie | classic rock | country | all | other
12. compliments too much | compliments when necessary
13. jokes around all the time | jokes when necessary
14. sensitive | hides emotion | acts tough
15. hobbies: computer | music | skating | sports | drawing | fishing | other
16. loves to hold | loves to be held
17. tons of muscles | fit | skinny | chubby
18. pale | average | tan | dark
19. cusses a lot | never cusses | only cusses around friends
20. wavy hair | curly hair | straight hair | long hair | short hair | longish hair
And 21. glasses
Post yours in comment. :)
Prawn mee poisoned me!
Doesn't help that my colleague keeps calling me on mobile. (exclamation mark!)
Anyway, I'm slightly bummed that I can't go to my friend's house party tonight. I was really looking forward to it all week, because there's gonna be lots of people and booze and games. In short? It's gonna be fun!
Instead, I'm taking pills with specific warning "avoid alcoholic drinks".
Well! Tomorrow shall be a better day! I really should learn to balance my life better, by the way.
Sorry this post is so random and all over the place. I'll write a proper one over the weekend.
Benefit for Haiti- Last week at Lolita Bar.

On Monday I went to a benefit for Haiti at Lolita Bar..It was fun, a comedy show..Here are some pics..A Brief View of the Hudson played, then the host Victor Varnado(best albino!) took the stage and did stand up in between acts...He's pretty fucking funny..Then Kristen Schaal went on-she was funny..I love her as Mel on Flight of the Conchords..She kinda talked about how hard it is to get roles as a woman if you don't have big boobs and look like Megan Fox..
Then Todd Barry was awesome-He also has been on Flight of the Conchords as their bongo player..He was good-but I missed much of his set as I was downstairs waiting to pee. I met Tracy Bonham who perfomed later on and Janeane Garofalo who gave me a beaded hemp bracelet as she says she is sober now and sits at home waiting for the phone to ring with work for her which it hasn't been..So she beads and waits..She was cool-I like her politics and her stand-up was great..She too talked about half naked girls in the American Apparel ads..I guess as a girl if you are not super hot or an icon like Meryl Streep then they just stop calling you for work evenutally..That's why I need implants and botox NOW!!!!
Liam McEneaney was next who got me in in the first place kinda and he was really good. He went to high school with my sister Robyn in Queens..His parents were there which was cute..
Tracy Bonham played which was cool and then Jeneane went on..she's very political-maybe that's why people aren't calling her for acting roles..and I get the feeling she's holding back when she goes on her rants about the right wing..Well, the guys of South Park killed her off so that accomplishment alone would make my whole life if I were her..Plus, the Ben Stiller Show was genius.
Then Lewis Black went on who was good, but i was sad Fred Armisen wasn't there..Anyway it was fun-at one point Todd Barry was standing behind me just repeating his own name over and over.."Todd Barry Todd Barry Todd Barry..."Between that and my awesome hemp bracelet it was kinda surreal..maybe because i was sober. When Im drunk everything seems normal.
There will be a benefit for Ray on February 6th at Sidewalk Cafe..still waiting on the details..I think my band is playing it.
So, hopefully people won't think 'what the HECK is that sound?!' if they know where this is from.
Anyway! I was with my friend last night for dinner, and at one time, my CTU tone was ringing, and I spontaneously grabbed my phone and checked the message. But there was nothing on it, and I saw that my friend picked up his phone to answer a call!
I started blinking in disbelief. Could it be that my friend, the person that I've been hanging out a lot lately, is a huge '24' fan too?! And not just that, could he really be using the CTU sound that I thought, only a few people knew about?!
After he was done with his phone call, I literally yelled to ask about his ringtone. He screamed in excitement too, "CTU!!!!"
Ohmy! I think I've found my male version! Okay, I just found this whole thing so amusing. I suddenly have a newfound respect for my friend. Well, at least I know he has a good taste.
I was nearly fainting when he exclaimed, "I love Jack Bauer!"
I'm such a dork.
Ray's Birthday-stripper, clowns and cake!

Last night around midnight Ray had a small party thrown for him by his friends..There was a stripper who stripped down to an apron and tassles, a weird clown who didn't really do much of anything, and dozens of people there to wish Ray a happy 77th birthday. The stripper spanked him with a rag 15 times..and we all sang happy birthday to him. He had a cake bought for him and when he blew out the candles, his wish was to stay open and working until he hit 80-three years from now. He has said that to me several times-he doesn't want much-just to stay open until he reaches the age of 80. I hope it happens..
The night was fun-The store was decorated with balloons and glitter....I had gone to a comedy show-a benefit for Haiti so I could only fit so many pics on my damn camera..I'll post some from that show later. It was awesome-Lewis Black headlined..I hung with Janeane Garofalo who gave me a beaded hemp bracelet for some reason..
Rally outside of Ray's!

Well, tonite at 8pm there was a rally outside of Ray's put together by slacktivist John Penley and Black Ops Bob. People stood across from Ray's with signs and candles and chanted at people to buy stuff to help Ray. I wasn't sure if this would scare people away and hinder business, but business was really good for Ray and Ray was very happy about all the support and love shown. It was fun..There were students there filming for a project about Ray, the editor of The Villager, Lincoln Anderson was there..some little kids, some neighborhood characters, and some loyal fans of Ray's. I took these pics and tried not to yell "honk if you're horny!" at passing cars..Wasn't that popular in the mid-80's to yell at cars?
Anyway, I left to go see The Enablers and when I came back at midnight everyone was dispersed..But I think it went over well and Ray made some extra and much needed money from it..
Monday is Rays' birthday and last year someone got him a stripper who danced on the counter..I bought two cakes and there was kinda a party..Not sure what's going on this year. Things have been a bit nuts..I'm going to a comedy show that Lewis Black is headlining at to help raise money for Haiti at 8pm..But I will definitely swing by Ray's to give him a birthday hug..Maybe I can catch both the stripper AND the comedy!
Most of all...

This blog.
I really appreciate all the comments and encouragements people left here! I'm happy enough that a person or two could read what happens in my day-to-day life and actually be interested. Well, or at least, hang in there until the end of the entry.
I'm someone who leads a pretty normal routine, and writing is just one of the things that keep me sane. I enjoy rambling or venting about nothing in particular, and I love that I can just fill in this space with whatever stuffs I'd like to talk about. I'm neurotic in my own way, so thank you for caring.
But there's one thing. Lately some people have left me really random comments. I think they're meant to advertise something shady. Like 'see me naked on cam!' or something like that. Hey, maybe I should try googling some nasty words and see if my blog comes up in the result! Because otherwise, how could these people come across my-very-innocent-PG-rated journal?
Okay, don't answer that. I'm so amused!
Anyway! What do you guys think of my new blog layout? Well okay, nothing really changed as far as layout goes, I mean, the header and the color-plate! Personally I love it. I don't really have many choices when it comes to the template because if I customized the template, I'd lose all the gadgets here (the sidebars option on the right-side.) And I'm not really a HTML-expert, ehem. But I think for now it looks pretty nice!
Well, I guess that's all. Hope you all have a nice Sunday. I'm planning to see 'New York, I Love You' later! Personally, I'm just excited to see Bradley Cooper! Busted! :)
Thank you for being my best friend. =)
You know, I read a quote somewhere today. It says, 'missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something and wishing they were right there with you.'
As cheesy as it may sound, I think that's true. We've known each other for what, three years now? And despite the geographical boundaries, I can truly say that we are exactly the same as we were years ago. In spite of our differences, we've remained constant.
You're still that ridiculously geeky guy who talks about science and computer like nobody else. I'm still that slightly neurotic, random girl whose mood fluctuates in a matter of second.
But I can never get tired of you. You always joke that we are each other's muse. I think you are great. It constantly amazes me that we never run out of topics to say. And even though sometimes we may be wrapped up in our own little cocoon we call 'work', it's like no time has passed when we finally get to see each other again.
It's a weird thing we have going on, but I'm grateful for it. I'd love to catch up over the sound of Jay Leno in the background again, remember that? It's amazing how far we've come!
Anyway, sorry for this mushy post. See, I have to compensate for the fact that you may be the most unromantic person in the planet.
I'll see you when I see you.
Ski Colorado
Who wouldn't enjoy...
Breakfast at Paradise Bakery Cafe in Denver; lunch at Bob's Place in Avon; dinner at Gore Range Brewery in Edwards; A trail ride or rafting trip from Triple G Outfitters in Wolcott. Of course the $422.03 rental car was covered too.
The Webb's also enjoyed the ski train package back in March of 2006 too. Coincidentally or not, the American Express statement for this period is missing so we don't know what wonderful restaurants they visited on that trip.
The Iconoclast: Behind the Cowbird Curtain
Penny's Open Mic-Assholes take the train.
I went to Penny's Open Mic at Theatre Under St. Marks last night...I videotaped(rather dark and badly) Kill the Band and Touching You, which I thought were the funniest acts-though there were some other memorable ones..My cheap-o old camera only let's me tape tiny amounts..I need a better memory card actually only..
Kill the Band featured Kelly Dwyer on vocals singing about an alien stalking her..she's got a great voice and the whole thing was funny..They were pretty awesome..
Touching You always makes me laugh..I really dug Only Assholes Take the Train..I kinda like the subway though because it's really uncomfortable being made to sit there with people you probably hate..and everyone is checking each other out and being awkward and shit..
The pic is of the house band doing their jam hootenanny thing during the break..
Let's see what else..I hear people are donating to Ray's paypal decently..keep it up! And my band may play a benefit for him at Bowery Poetry or somewhere with other local musicians..Plus, we are playing a benefit for Jim Mosaic man Power I think next month..if my voice ever returns..
Take the 2030 Transportation Survey
Your opinion is very important. Since transportation impacts everyone in the region, feedback from citizens is needed. Please take a moment to answer the following questions and share your suggestions about transportation here.
Summer and Tom
Tom: Yeah. And… so?
Summer: So, what if I’d gone to the movies? What if I had gone somewhere else for lunch? What if I’d gotten there 10 minutes later? It was - it was meant to be. And… I just kept thinking… Tom was right.
Tom: No.
Summer: Yeah, I did.
Summer: I did. It just wasn’t me that you were right about. "
Ray's clip from Fox local News..and paypal..
There is the clip of Ray on Fox Local News..I got it from who found it on my fox ny site.They took mine down due to copyright shit..I had it up on youtube and stuff..sniff..
To donate money to help Ray here is his
Channel Five's piece about Ray's..
Well, Ray got some great publicity on Fox tonight..and on channel 9 too..A few teasers then a somewhat long piece on him and his problems..I love how they talk over what i was saying..which was basically how awesome ray is..and how much I hate Starfucks and Fro-Yo. I did keep asking them if they were on Team Coco too..Anyway-go Ray!
Donate to his paypal please! and join the Save Ray's Facebook page..
Okay-this is weird but watch channel five-Fox News tonight at 10:00pm
Fox local News-Channel 5, were at Ray's tonight interviewing him about his business possibly closing..The segment will air tonite-in an hour actually-on channel five news at 10pm..also at 11pm on channel 9 news..They read about Rays dilemma in the NY Times which has an article about Ray's closing..I'm glad he is getting so much press!!! The reporter spoke with me, and various other locals and supporters who wandered in..even the guy that tried to bum a dollar off of her because he gave a two second interview..haw!
run every emotions in the book.

gorgeous, alluring skylines

These pictures are so beautiful, I can picture myself sipping hot chocolate while sitting behind that wet glossy window overlooking the city. I can't say it enough that there's just something magical about city skyline.
Benefit for haiti tonight at Bowery Poetry Club
Transit Committee Looks For Money
Former Springdale Mayor Jerre Van Hoose is honorary chairman of the committee that calls itself Advocates for Public Transit.
Skits and Tits..and Bingo Gazingo RIP

Well, the paypal is collecting some dough for Ray..I just hope it amounts to something that will help him stay open for a while..There is a facebook group Save Ray's that you can join and get emails about the situation if you're on facebook.
Here are some pics from Bowery Poetry Club..The first is Amy Stiller, sister of Ben and daughter of Jerry Stiller..She did some stand-up at the open mic..
Then on Skits-N-Tits night Jim Gaffagin was there who is in one of my favorite Flight of the Conchords episodes ever..He was really funny..There were some boobies kinda bouncing around at the show but also a lot of funny sketches and skits..
At the end Danielle, Lady of Perpetual PMS hosted some blood wrestling..I was too far away from the stage to get pics of the GLOB-The Gorgeous Ladies of Blood Wrestling..but I got the men going at it pretty hard..The muscle bound fellow with the tiny Speedo won I believe..leaving the mexican wrestler laying in the bloodbath. I think I got my photo taken with speedo guy... I'm a winner.
On a sad note-comedian/poet/singer and all around nutter Bingo Gazingo has him or listen to his stuff on itunes. He was quite the character!
On another sad note-The Bowery Poetry Club is having a benefit for the people of Haiti this saturday which is awesome because that shit is horrible...those people need help and fast! No food, no water, no aid getting to them, thousands dead..holy shit. Come out to the benefit and give what you can..