Norton Sound herring pays gillnetters $339 a ton
June 30, 2011
Norton Sound herring harvest sets another record for roe recovery
NOME — Norton Sound herring fishermen in June topped their own high mark set a year ago by harvesting herring with an all-time record recovery of roe.
The 744 tons of herring harvested this year were comprised of 14.8 percent roe, on average. The previous record, set last year by Norton Sound harvesters, was 13.5 percent roe recovery.
In total, approximately 25 Norton Sound herring fishermen harvested 810 tons of herring, of which 66 tons were directed to a bait fishery.
Fishermen were paid out a total of more than $274,700 for the entire fishery, an average of $339 per ton.
Prices paid per ton were determined by a sliding scale depending on the roe percentage. Roe recovery ranged from 9 percent to 20 percent, with the majority of the harvest coming in between 13 and 17 percent. Fishermen harvested the herring with gillnets.
Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. has worked to bring a herring buyer to the region for the last two years to conduct a fishery after several years of no commercial herring fishing.
Through an agreement with NSEDC, Icicle Seafoods brought a processing vessel and tenders to Norton Sound in 2010 and 2011.
The roe harvested is sold as a luxury food item in Japan and is often given out during the holidays as gifts.
In addition to negotiating an agreement with Icicle, NSEDC supports the fishery through aerial surveys to determine when the fishing effort should begin and to direct fishermen to high-quality herring once the fishery commences.
This year, biologists from NSEDC's Norton Sound Fisheries Research and Development division flew 29 hours during 15 flights in support of the fishery.
"We would like to thank all our resident fishermen as well as the great crew Icicle brought to Norton Sound. From the crews of the processing vessel and tenders to the aerial survey support, Icicle provided excellent service to all aspects of the fishery," said Reese Huhta, southern manager for NSEDC's Norton Sound Seafood Products.
Petersburg cutter captain permanently relieved
The action comes after an investigation into allegations that Lt. Matthias Wholley was intoxicated when he directed his cutter to get under way.
Here's the Coast Guard press release.
I fought the law...
That means the Alaska State Troopers are running flat out, too. With their ticket books.
You can find enforcement news on The Brig, a companion blog to Deckboss. See the link in the green box.
Generally, we have time during summer to post only the major commercial cases. A charter or sportfishing case occasionally makes the cut.
Plenty of fresh items on The Brig right now, so check it out.
Locke addresses post-tsunami seafood safety
Begich has now received a reply from Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, who details some recent federal efforts.
What's to blame for PWS herring collapse?
The article finds "no evidence that oil exposure from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, harvest effects, spawning habitat loss, the spawn-on-kelp fishery, or disease have led to either the decline or poor recovery of PWS herring."
Here's the article abstract:
This paper updates previous reviews of the 1993 stock decline of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, and focuses on hypotheses about subsequent poor recovery. Recent age structured assessment modeling with covariate analysis indicates that the population dynamics of the sound’s herring are influenced by oceanic factors, nutrition, and, most substantially, hatchery releases of juvenile pink salmon. For the 1993 decline, poor nutrition remains the most probable cause with disease a secondary response. Concerning poor recovery, we examined 16 potential factors and found three to be causal: oceanic factors, poor nutrition, and hatchery releases of juvenile pink salmon. Absences of strong year classes at both Sitka and Prince William Sound after 1993 indicate the action of large-scale ocean processes. Beyond regional-scale environmental factors, two factors specific to the sound influence the population dynamics of herring and are likely impeding recovery. First, pink salmon fry releases have increased to about 600 million annually and may disrupt feeding in young herring, which require adequate nutrition for growth and overwintering survival. Juvenile pink salmon and age-1 herring co-occur in nearshore areas of bays in late spring and summer, and available data on dietary overlap indicates potential competition between the age-1 juvenile herring and juvenile pink salmon. Field studies demonstrate that juvenile herring reduce food intake substantially in the presence of juvenile pink salmon. Second, overwintering humpback whales may consume potentially large amounts of adult herring, but further studies must confirm to what extent whale predation reduces herring biomass.
Bristol Bay heats up
The daily catch topped a million fish on Sunday — 1,231,000, to be exact.
Monday's catch was 1,312,400 fish.
Track the fishery yourself here.
Party at The Chillmaster's Place! Fuck yeah!
Okay..if you don't know who The Chillmaster is you never walk down east 3rd st between 1st and Avenue A. He plays great music. VERY LOUDLY! Please refer to and and type his name in the searchbox. Anyhoot, went to the second party at his place Sunday night..drank wine way before the sun went down which is weird for me..Feels odd to be buzzed during the day..Take careful note of the drunk dancing, the disco cup, and the lighter as big as my head!
So here are some pics of the crazy! Enjoy! My next and last posts for a few weeks will probably be all Mars Bar stuff since for all I know they will be closed when I get back from the Italy gigs..Well, hopefully not. I leave in a week and I will try to make it there a bunch..What a fun weekend..lostsa fun parties and shows and gay marriage had everyone running around the streets all night yelling at the top of their lungs. Fun to see history being made..And watch it get overturned in two years! Har!
I Wanna Ride in Your PINK CADILLAC
Cycling Fourth

Well, it's either going to stop raining soon or some clever person is going to invent an automatic self-replenishing chain-lube. Either one of those might be nifty, but right now I think I'd like to see a sunny day for one of our rides. The Fourth of July is coming up this weekend, which means another great ride in Sidney, led, as in year's past, by Jim Putnam. Hope you can make it, and if not, have a great holiday weekend!
Saturday, July 2nd, SIDNEY:
"Independence along the Middle Road" - a tour through the middle of Sidney & the middle of a prime farming district, in the middle of the Fourth of July weekend.
START: 9:00 AM at the James H. Bean Elementary School on Middle Road in Sidney.
Directions to the Bean School:
From south: I-95 North exit #120. Turn right at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean School is approximately one mile on the right.
From the north: I-95 South exit #120. Turn left at end of exit ramp onto Lyons Rd. Follow Lyons Rd. to stop sign. Turn left onto Middle Rd. Bean
School is approximately one mile on the right.
TERRAIN: moderate with a few hills.
HIGHLIGHTS: some fine back roads and Kennebec River views, and some 4th of July paraphernalia, perhaps.
LEADER: Jim Putnam.
Four out of five ain't bad
The MSC certification, which signifies sustainable management, covers pink, chum, coho and king salmon taken with gillnet, seine or troll gear.
And what about sockeye, you ask?
The MSC press release mentions something about "depleted local sockeye salmon populations."
Nellie Olsen was a cunt! I met my hero..

So, last week or so my two sisters and my friend Sean and I went to see Alison Arngrim perform her one woman show, "Confessions os a Prairie Bitch." She played my idol, Nellie on the show Little House on the Prairie which my sisters and I were obsessed with. She was pretty funny..We wrote out questions which she read on stage and answered..Mine is here but she didn't get to it. It's funnier if you know the infamous Apples episode..
So here are some pics of my older and younger sisters and I..and Sean..Gena got tipsy and broke a glass and we all got our pics with Nellie who seemed slightly frightened by the Brower sisters..Apparently rabid fans of the show are called "Bonnetheads." And she said Nellie would now be referred to as a cunt, not a bitch. I learned a lot at the show..yes I did!
Today is the party at the Chillmaster's house..go to and put in Chillmaster in the search box to read about this guy. I'm going to start drinking wine at his place at 5. Can't wait!
A satisfying salmon season so far
It's way too early to know if we'll get there, but so far the statewide catch has been encouraging.
The harvest as of today stands at 7.9 million salmon, about 6 million of them sockeye.
The sockeye, of course, is the main money fish among Alaska's five salmon species. Sockeye runs have come in early and strong around the state, to the delight of many fishermen.
The real key to making the forecast is the little pink salmon. We'll have to wait a bit for the humpy hordes to hit.
Here's a few regional highlights from the young season:
• Copper River District gillnetters already have taken more than 1.1 million sockeye, nearly double what they caught all of last season.
• Chignik seiners are smiling, too, having bagged more than 1.5 million sockeye. The June 1-22 timeframe saw the second-highest harvest since 1970, Fish and Game says.
• At Bristol Bay, scene of the world's biggest sockeye run, the catch has topped 1.8 million fish, with 1 million of them coming from the Egegik District. In a very few days, we should see the fishery explode for much bigger numbers.
Icicle powers ahead at Adak
We've also taken note of Adak's escalating electricity costs.
In April came word that a big Seattle processor, Icicle Seafoods Inc., would be taking over at Adak. This holds the promise of stability not only for the plant but also the island's thin economy.
It appears a priority for Icicle is securing reliable power, something that bedeviled the plant's former operators.
Icicle subsidiary Western Star Seafoods is installing two diesel generators at Adak that will burn ultra low-sulfur diesel, according to this public notice.
Further, a special contract between Icicle and the local power company, TDX Adak Generating, is pending before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. Much more on that here.
The contract could presage possible relief for all ratepayers on Adak, as this discussion between the RCA staff and TDX suggests.
So, more power to Icicle and Adak, I guess.
By the way, Deckboss called the Icicle brass in Seattle to ask what the official name of the rejuvenated Adak plant will be. I didn't get a call back, so we'll just call it that Adak plant.
Capital Breakfast Ride Postponed

Due to impending weather conditions (rain and thunderstorms) tomorrow's KVBC ride in Augusta (Saturday, June 25 at 8 am) will be postponed to another date. Please forward this message to anyone you know who may be planning to ride who is not on our email list. Thanks, and we will reschedule the ride for another weekend.
When the siren sounds...

Tsunami warning issued for Aleutian chain
X-Men freaking ruled. And I love Harry Potter.
From the no smoking in public places now your DOG can't sit on a bench with you as those benches are for people to sit on..I mean WTF?! I know they are following orders but even the cops look embarrassed by the inane and kinda scary 1984 type tickets they are handing out..If you are standing, you are loitering. You have to sit a certain way. Without a dog. Or a cigarette. I want my dog to be be smoking a damn cigarette AND crack too while it sleeps on the damn bench! The summer crusties aren't leaving town because of all this..they are all over the city now just wandering.
AnyCops, I am excited to be going to Europe soon where you can ride a unicorn to the moon if you want! I saw the new X-Men movie and it was GREAT! I'm a dork and i'm sad Game of Thrones has ended for now..BUT the final Potter movie is out soon and as you can see I had a starring role in it! All that background extra crap work payed off! I am Snape's love slave and I gently hold his dark locks back as he pukes on Harry during a rainbowing scene in a gay wizard bar.
A Capital Breakfast

More on the Yakutat tragedy
Here's the reply from AST spokeswoman Megan Peters:
Two of the three had PFDs (personal flotation devices). After the boat was swamped and capsized, they were able to crawl up on the vessel and sit out of the water. They were there for about four hours. They were pretty cold and shivering. After sitting for so long, the two with PFDs decided to make a swim for the shore since it was 'so close' (maybe a few hundred yards). As they swam, hypothermia likely set in very quickly. They drowned while attempting to get to shore. The one without the PFD stayed with the boat. A plane spotted him sometime after. A helo was sent out, but the man was too exhausted to pull himself up into the helo or onto the skids. It was a small two-seater without floats so it couldn't land. Skiffs from a nearby community set out and collected him. The bodies of the two deceased were spotted by a fixed-wing flying overhead. They had washed up on the shoreline by then. One a half mile away, the other about two miles away.
CDQ company seeks new leader
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corp. is looking for a president and chief executive officer.
Dillingham-based BBEDC is one of six Alaska fishing companies operating under the federal Community Development Quota program.
Last I heard, Robin Samuelsen was BBEDC's president and CEO, and he remains so listed on the company's website.
Qi: The Mother Of Life
Qi (pronounced "Chee"). The very word is illusive. We have no English equivalent for it. The Japanese call it "Ki," in India it is referred to as "Prana." The Greeks termed it "Soma." No matter the label, it is a concept that seems vague to the western mind. One that reminds us of deep space, or the undiscovered mysteries of our oceans. We somehow know its there, but we can't quite put our finger on it.
100 years ago, if you told people there were creatures who thrived in the hottest of vents under our ocean, independent of sunlight, no one would believe you. Furthermore, if you described these creatures as SCI-FI looking, almost alien in nature, you would shake your head in disbelief. No need for sunlight to live? "Impossible!" they would say. This is precisely what research vessels for not only the "Cousteau Society," but NOAA have found: creatures who thrive off of temperatures that mimic the hottest of ovens, without need for sunlight, who look like something off of the "Star Trek" movie series.
Now, what if I told you, you were like an onion? "An onion?" you ask. "What?" How can that be? The metaphor of an onion is a good one. An onion is comprised of layers. So, according to ancient philosophy, are all creatures.
We have a physical anatomy, a mental psyche, and an "energy anatomy." In ancient systems of medicine (Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Chinese, Unani, Greek) it is said that "if you take care of the driver of the cart, the horse will be obedient." Likewise, if the "energy anatomy" is treated the physical anatomy can heal at a much faster level.
Let us look more closely at examples of "energy anatomy," from a western perspective. For many centuries, this concept has been hidden in esoteric texts, and amongst elite scholars and sages. I believe a time has come in our world, where this concept is not to be only understood, but utilized for the good of mankind. We can all participate in this process by first defining what "Qi" is, and second, utilizing it to its maximum healing capacity for not only ourselves, but our communities, our families, and our world.

"Energy Anatomy" painting by Alex Grey, grandson of Henry Grey ("Grey's Anatomy"), who composed some of the first anatomical drawings of the human cadaver
Ever heard of the term "Phantom Pain?" When a person has undergone an amputation operation of some kind, he/she may experience pain in the "limb" that was removed. The mind tells the patient that he/she is still whole, with all parts intact, until the mind is shifted to a different reality. This is termed in western bio-medicine as "Psycho-neuro-immunology." An English three letter hyphenated word to describe "Qi." Your mind-body complex is working together at all times, like a driver and horse. Your body is convinced the amputated limb is still there, until it is informed (with repetition) to be convinced otherwise. The feeling of that amputated limb, the fact that the brain is still working in conjunction with the Autonomic Nervous System is the perfect harmonious balance of how "Qi" is expressed in matter.
Ever heard of "Kirlian Photography?" Let us look at what occurs in the following picture when a piece of a leaf is cut.

The upper portion of the leaf was cut (it is black in the photo), yet the plant, when photographed, is still exhibiting a field of "Qi" around itself as if it is still perfectly intact.
You are not unlike this leaf. You have a perfect form of "energy anatomy" that is super-imposed over your physical anatomy like layers of an onion. There is a constant "dialogue" interaction between these two anatomical systems occurring at all times. The conversation is this: You are whole. You were born whole. You will leave this world whole. You mind knows nothing, but to see yourself in a state of perfection. The trick? To convince the conscious mind of what the subconscious already knows.
The problem? We have forgotten our inherent nature. We probe all things outside of us, with expensive technology. As we should. Our world is a glorious and fascinating place, filled with treasures all around us. Yet, we know very little of how to direct our own body ("horse") with our minds ("driver").
It has been said that 9/10ths of our mind is like a submerged iceberg, hidden under the layer of our conscious mind. It is this submerged place that we access "Qi." "Qi" is our greatest healing power, latent within all things. No exceptions. Ancient medical wisdom teaches us that we are our own best doctors. But how to access this illusive "Qi?" By quieting our sympathetic nervous systems, and gaining states of parasympathetic nervous system relaxation. Term this meditation, if you like, but the truth is, you do this when you sleep. In western bio-medicine we know our bodies repair themselves during deep R.E.M. states of sleep. You can do this while awake. And no, you don't need to sit on a meditation cushion for hours on end to access this power within you. In fact, movement can be a powerful catalyst to access "Qi."
In ancient China systems of "moving meditation" formed to access "Qi" while awake. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and various martial arts were seen to "unify body and mind." In India, this practice has taken place through hatha yoga. Do you need to do yoga or Qi Gong to access "Qi" while awake? Not at all. I've had some of my deepest moments of healing while surfing waves, climbing rocks, swimming, trail-running, hiking, and the like. In fact, a sage in India once said to me "In this age of the world, movement will be the most powerful form of meditation. Stillness on a cushion is becoming a thing of the past." Is this to say that stillness, while sitting on a meditation cushion isn't valuable? Quite the contrary, its a perfect "balance" to what form of movement meditation you choose throughout your day.

A Shaolin Monk, Practicing His Form
The question to ask yourself during your movement hobbies? Do they move my mind into a state of complete focus and present moment awareness? Example: while I'm surfing, all I can think about is spatially what's around me. The waves, my balance (great metaphor, right?), my fellow surfers, the conditions, etc. It puts me into a state of "hyper focus," where I don't have time to think about bills, the past, what I'm having for dinner, etc. Present moment. Just me, my body, and nature. That IS a form of moving meditation. In fact, I've been able to access deeper parts of myself in moving meditation forms than I ever thought possible.
Ever heard of "Runner's High?" It may feel different to every runner, but its a place I experience when the only thing I hear is the synchronous movement of my feet, in tandem with my breath. There are no thoughts in my head when this occurs. Only stillness. Only movement meditation.

Me trail-running through wetlands and old-growth forest in Newport, OR.
I've mentioned the book "Chi Running" in previous blog posts. I'll mention it again. I highly recommend it, if you want to turn your exercise into something other than just to burn calories. Danny Dreyer is an excellent author, and ultra-runner, who puts the concept of moving meditation, together with the practice of running, beautifully.
When we look at the role the "Placebo Effect" has had on studies its quite astonishing. For the mind to be able to convince itself its in a state of healing, when really no substance has been administered, points to something deeper. If we could learn to, each individually, harness the power of our minds to heal our bodies, imagine what effects could come of it? Not only is the power for infinite healing within you, but think of the ripple effects it would have on our world, if we each utilized this ability? To start at a fundamental level, the effect it would have on society and health care costs alone would be incredible.
When you begin to understand what a treasure chest of healing you are, you may begin to tap into your "Qi," or potential. I would invite you to contemplate ways in your life you seek quietness of the mind. Is it a walk on the beach? Climbing a beautiful rock? Running through the forest? Paddling a river? Playing with your child or pets? Listening to a piece of music that makes your heart sing? Whatever gives you a sense of tranquility inside, do that. Do it often. The more you dip into this sense of delight within, the more the waters spring from the well. This well is your power-source. It is your true nature.

Trail-Running Along One Of My Favorite Trails, Stopping At A 7,000 yr. old Native American Hunting Cave
"You Are All Buddhas With Amnesia. You have forgotten your true nature. Wake up to the divinity that lives inside, and you will heal your world." ~Ammachi

Ammachi, with a leper in Bombay, India
2 die, 1 survives after skiff capsizes in commercial fishing accident on Dangerous River at Yakutat
Location: Dangerous River near Yakutat
Type: Boating accident, two fatalities
On 6/20/11 at 1730 hours the Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Yakutat responded to a report of an overturned boat at the mouth of Dangerous River in Yakutat. Jonathan Pavlik, 30, Wayne Gray, 29, and Rex Newlun, 18, all of Yakutat, were commercial fishing on the river when their skiff started filling with water and overturned. Gray and Newlun drowned in the water and Pavlik was able to climb on top of the skiff. A passing aircraft spotted Pavlik on top of the skiff later in the afternoon. Pavlik was recovered by local residents who took a boat out to retrieve him. Gray and Newlun were located and brought to the Yakutat clinic where they were pronounced deceased. Next of kin has been notified.
Webb Wins Another Windfall
We have figured out what the A and P does with our money. Perry gives it to CJRW and his useless Chamber, and conducts lots of surveys. There is just no end to the variety of ways the man has come up with to line his own pockets.The City Council ordinance committee voted Monday to send a proposed raise of 0.5 percent to the council’s July 5 meeting. A tax increase, if approved, would boost the rate from 1.5 percent to 2 percent. A council vote is all that is required to increase the tax.
Hotel-motel taxes, as well as restaurant taxes, would go to the city’s Advertising and Promotion Commission by state law, said Jeff Harper, city attorney... The council could ask for the money to be spent according to its request, but could not require the commission to do so, Harper said.How convenient. If we're lucky, the money will be used to put in more fake slot machines at local convenience stores. You might as well put your money in one of those as trust Perry and Pals will do anything different than what they have done with your money in the past. SQUAT.
USCG conducts distant medevac for captain
The 167-foot vessel was far out in the Gulf of Alaska, 253 miles southeast of Kodiak.
The captain, whose name was not released, was reported to be suffering "symptoms of gastrointestinal distress," a Coast Guard press release said.
He was taken to a hospital in Kodiak.
A Coast Guard C-130 aircraft accompanied the helicopter, which was operating at the edge of its range.
Sea conditions on the scene were calm.
The Sea Bird's chief mate will bring the vessel into Kodiak, the Coast Guard said.
The boat's hailing port is Seattle.
Toilet Paper. Shoes. Hilarity. Ensues.
So, yes. You CAN believe your eyes! This woman at Moonstruck diner had toilet paper on both her her shoes! I can't tell you how long I giggled at this. I really can't. You all think i'm dumb enough already..Then some pics from a Csquat show..Jewels and Hassan..oh yeah! Shayne and Jewels..Crazy Dave being..crazy..some REALLY drunk kid that kept yelling, "I have work in the morning! Im fucked!" over and over..Haw!
Then my love and I..Delfado cat. Yes, he sleeps with his paw on my face. Then a nice pic of Gotham taken from high up at a fancy hotel..and someone is REALLY mad at someone and their car.
Went to see Confessions of a Prairie Bitch with Alison Angrim who played Nellie Olsen on the BEST show in the world with my sisters and friend Sean last night..I'll post pics of us harassing her next..I have to get more crazy in before I leave for the peacefulness of italy..Bring. It. On! And Mars really may be gone very soon I I am there from now on pretty much..
High and dry

Norton Sound king crabbers to see big price jump
June 17, 2011
Norton Sound red king crab prices climb by more than $1.50
NOME — Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. announces its Norton Sound Seafood Products division will pay fishermen $5.29 per pound in 2011 for Norton Sound red king crab at the dock in Nome.
Last year the crab price was set at $3.77 at the dock.
The CDQ crab fishery is set to open on June 28. Once the first deliveries can be checked for quality and meat-fill, NSSP will immediately proceed with accepting deliveries from the open-access fishery.
NSSP is working on plans to continue its offering of tendering services from the Golovin area and in the southern portion of Norton Sound. Tendered crab will fetch a price of $5.04 to fishermen.
"Aided by the strong demand worldwide for crab, Norton Sound Seafood Products is pleased to offer a more than 40 percent increase in the price paid to fishermen over last year," said Rich Ferry, an NSSP manager. "We are proud to support our resident fishermen. With such strong prices this year, we anticipate a great season."
The Landscape of Backus Street
To the Negative, Moody and Unfriendly.
We all have our good and bad days. And I'm not referring to us being moody and grumpy once in a while when everything seems to go wrong. Because that happens, I know. I'm saying it in a more general level. People whose default mood is just...grumpy. Unhappy, moody, negative people who think it's up to them to behave that way, but they don't realize that it affects people around them as well.
It's one thing being moody once in a while. It's quite another to be, just, literally depressing, all the freaking time. I'm your friend, so I would do my best to listen to you, and offer advice, and try to make you feel better. But what good does it do when nothing I say sticks? Because you go back to being depressed and complaining about life again and again and again.
Then there's people who think that just because they are moody, others have to be too. You don't feel like talking to people, you want to be alone, then so be it. Treating others rudely is completely uncalled for. You think I enjoy talking to you when you're getting all moody and annoying too? Well, news flash, I don't, okay? If it's up to me, I would rather go to..I don't know, Timbuktu or something, rathen than go through this verbal abuse just because you happen to be in a shitty mood. But we all have to deal with it. Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate, even when we don't feel like it.
Tell us nicely (or fine, you don't even have to smile, just say it in decent manner) that you are not feeling good today, so ask us to leave you alone. And hey, I will be away from your hair in a second. That bitchy attitude of yours doesn't help at all. If any, you just successfully established yourself as a serious douche.
And now there's the unfriendly kind. I wouldn't say that I'm the friendliest person, but I think I'm okay. I try to make people feel welcomed, because I know how awkward it is being the newbie. At work, for example. I have gone through different internships and jobs to know how weird it can be sometimes not knowing everyone around. I have been the kid who stays back during lunch time because I haven't known anyone yet. So I try to be nicer to new people when it's their turn to be the newbie.
During a work training, a Singaporean had this to say when this topic was brought up. "Why us? Why must we be the one who approach the newbie? The newbie has to approach us first!"
Well, to this person, I just would like to present him the Douchebag of The Day award because that's what he is, and to all of you too if you think that way. I don't know if you're just a douche by default, or the society has turned you into a bitter person, but seriously, you need help. And I hope one day when the tables are turned, you will get a taste of your medicine. I hope noone, and I mean, noone would talk to you and you would be a lonely, miserable person, sitting alone in your corner without anyone to talk to.
I don't think it's a matter of being friendly or not, rather than a practice of common decency. If everyone keeps waiting around to be approached first, noone would end up talking to anyone. If that's what you want, then fine. Be miserable on your own.
Thing is, sometimes you don't have to be the brightest person around, you don't even have to be the friendliest. All you need is just to be a decent, okay person. Someone who gets down once in a while, but bounces back up because that's what we do. Someone who thinks before they talk because words can be hurtful. Someone who is..okay, by nature. Not someone bitter, not someone who disregard other people's feelings.
Smiling is good, you know? You probably seldom do it, but try it! It can loosen up those rigid cells in your face (or brain) and make everything seems better. And who knows, god forbid, you may even actually be, gasp! Happy.
Be nice, people. Life is way too short to be grumpy.
Article about East River in the Villager paper..
Love you all! Except for the ones I hate! Just..kidding?
Crab lobbyist to remain UFA chief
UFA is the state's leading commercial fishing group.
Thomson is the longtime executive director of the Alaska Crab Coalition, which represents Bering Sea crab vessel owners.
Here's the press release, which covers this and other UFA leadership decisions.
Mayor Gives Himself a Bonus
I am also not surprised that "reporter" Steve Caraway failed to even mention the council held a separate vote on whether or not to give the bonus to four elected officials.
In a 7-1 vote (Alderwoman Kathy Jaycox was the only no vote), the city council approved Sprouse's recommendation to give himself, the City Clerk, the City Attorney and the District Judge a bonus.
Move over, salmon, here come the Dungies!
Commercial salmon fisheries are now open all along the coast, from Southeast Alaska to the Copper River to Lower Cook Inlet to Kodiak to Chignik to Bristol Bay.
But salmon isn't the only game in town.
At noon tomorrow, the 2011-12 Dungeness crab season opens in Southeast. Here's the announcement.
Adam Messmer, a state fishery manager in Juneau, tells Deckboss 126 permit holders have signed for the Dungeness harvest so far.
Dungeness, like salmon, long has been a target of Alaska commercial fishermen. The crab was first commercially canned at Seldovia in 1920, an Alaska Department of Fish and Game species profile says.
Dungies typically are caught in circular pots baited with herring, squid or clams.
Commonly served whole, the Dungeness crab is "treasured for its beautiful orange shell color, distinctive sweet flavor and tender flaky white meat," the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute says.
Southeast Dungeness is quite a valuable crop.
The 2010-11 season produced a harvest of nearly 3.25 million pounds, worth more than $5.5 million at an average price of $1.78 per pound.
Most of the catch comes in the summer segment of the fishery, which is the part that opens tomorrow. A fall segment opens Oct. 1.
The Dungeness stock is in good shape in Southeast, Messmer says.
Unfortunately, the same can't be said up the coast at Yakutat. The Dungeness fishery there has been closed for the past 11 seasons due to weak stocks, and it'll remain closed this season.
Gravy Train
In his typical fluffy style, Chamber Cheerleader Caraway of the Morning Snooze, tries to make it sound more appealing by saying the money is mostly going to police and firefighters. Who wouldn't want to give our men and women in uniform a bonus or a raise? The reality is the $294,000 bonus money is NOT going mostly to police and firefighters. Attorneys, judges and our beloved code enforcement officers will all be collecting a check too.
Everyone likes to feel appreciated and most people deserve to get a bonus once in a while, but when I look around Springdale, I don't feel quite so generous.
I would urge the hard-working employees of the City of Springdale to start questioning where their pay raise was really spent.