Charlie Parker once said to me.., "Eden-shut up and gimme some heroin."

Well I am back from C-Ville and Richmond Vagina. I had fun down there..(get it? Down THERE? Like a VAGINA is down there! Well, depending how you look at it. I like to go on long tangents that are unrelated to anything else I write about and put it all in parenthesis). So here are some pics from my short trip..The first one is of me of me with Christopher King and his wife Charmagne. Nice folks, they were. That pic was at our gig at Legend Brewery in Richmond which was a lot of fun. Then there are a few pics of the cool bronze tree at the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar in Charlottesville..It was a neat artsy place and the people were super friendly to us. A myspace friend even showed up to hear us-Thanks Ricky!

Then outside of Plan 9 records this guy was wearing a mask and drumming, singing, and playing guitar all at once..I bet he made more then we did just busking outside..The Plan 9 people were not quite so nice and let someone walk off with our CD..not that we really care about that-but that gig was pretty redunkulous!

We also have John sitting on Ed's Couch. And me sitting on the Ned is Dead bench. Yup. There you have it.

The Bustelo™ coffee can mirror was in a great cuban restaurant that our hosts Christopher and his wife Charmagne took us to..That food was DAMN good. They even had little Bustelo™ Barbie Doll™ lights hanging from their ceiling and wall of painted murals. Last, is a photo of me in front of the airport toilets. I like bathrooms and hate airports. But I like the colors in my dress with the orange ugliness behind it. Actually that Brady Bunch dress is pretty ugly too, but I like that in a dress.

I am glad to be home now though..I was slightly sick the whole time i was there-sore throat, sneezing and stuffy head cold thingy..But The Show Must Go On!!! I think Ralph Macchio once said that!
Eden Bee