the best!

(500) Days of Summer is not a love story. It is a story of boy meets girl", begins the wry, probing narrator, and with that the film takes off at breakneck speed into a funny, true-to-life and unique dissection of the unruly and unpredictable year-and-a-half of one young man’s no-holds-barred love affair.
I am so in love with this.

This film far surpassed my expectation, and boy, didn't I have high expectation. I have been looking forward to see this, probably since early of this year. And I had to wait all this time (plus, having to hear my US friend boast about how awesome this movie was a couple months ago, when I could say nothing but 'you lucky bastard!')

Seriously, though, I could make a list of the things that I love about this movie, but you all should see it yourself! And I'm sure you're gonna report back to me with nothing but exceedingly great reviews!

I'm so happy!