Random catch-up.

I feel good starting work again! And with all the wedding fairs coming up, plus the website and the magazine, it sure is gonna be a packed month, and for once I'm not complaining. Bring it on!

I guess I can talk a little more about my time in Jakarta, but there really isn't much to say at all. Most of the time I'm with my dad and I realize I'm getting more and more like a kid whenever I'm around him. I wonder if it's just a way to compensate a loss of a parental figure, and now since Dad is the only one I've got, I'm scared of losing him.

It's good that now he's busy with his activities at the sport club and travelling with his friends. I'm down with everything that keeps him occupied, and we'd always love it when he comes to visit. Blah, I so have an Oedipus complex. Okay, not that extreme.

I'm excited about life now! And I'm so grateful I have amazing friends to share it with. This year is gonna be better, I can feel it.

Have a great week ahead, guys!