As Random as Random can Randomly Be..

Jeez I am lazy as fuck with blogging lately..can't seem to remember to update much. Well, it is going to be super warm soon which means i will be running around all over the place taking weird pics of stuff going on. Such as that first one which is a tray of tacos that were eaten at a taco eating contest. Yes, that sounds dirty and please realize it was held at Lolita Bar. Hardy har!
Then we have some bathroom graffiti which is my new favorite thing to take photos of. There is such genius and stupidity written on bathroom how else would I know about tranarchy and its upcoming rebellion if i didn't have to pee at Odessa Bar? Then we have the culty popcorn I am still obsessed with but that only whole foods has now..and a creepy old Wonderama album at my work someone tried to sell us..or did sell us actually.
Then a random pic I saw online i find funny..though it is photoshopped I am sure..
Busy with gigs lately and extra BG work that is Union has begun..I got a call already and the unions are finally merging very soon. Not sure if the will get me more work but I will find out soon!